TOURNAMENT INFORMATIONWith the release of Bolt Action Third Edition, we are pleased to announce that Foothills Frontline will be Rutherfordton’s first Third Edition, Bolt Action event. Given that we will all be learning the new rules at the same time, this year will be a much more casual, hobby focused. It is less about winning and more about discovering how the new game works as a community. Foothills Frontline will be held at Infinity Games in Rutherfordton, NC on February 1 st, 2025. Foothills Frontline will continue to be a universally accessible Bolt Action event, in that we would like this event to fit all kinds of players. This is especially the case since we are essentially new players of this game. This event is for everyone, and we ask that all players consider the fun of their opponent before submitting lists and while playing games.
Infinity Games
150 Park Lane Dr.
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Phone: (828) 829-5851
Contact Information:
For more information, please see the Facebook event, any queries will be covered off there or reach out to Alan Toney at [email protected]
Please be on time for this event. Registration for paid players opens at 8:45 AM on February 1st, 2025. Games will begin at 9:15 AM sharp. Please pay and submit your list prior to the first day of this event.
Payment Options:
Fee: $30
Payment options include cash or card at the store, Venmo (Lissette-Dedios), and CashApp
Army Lists:
As we are all basically learning the game at the same time, we ask that players turn in their lists using Excel or a similar document at least a week prior to the event. While we would like players to experiment and take lists that they like, we would ask that players be mindful of their opponents and their enjoyment when submitting lists. We would like to encourage people to experiment and play with lists that are fun to play with and to play against. This is NOT a win at all cost event. The TO’s reserves the right to ask players to resubmit army lists that are considered... perhaps “too hard” for the spirit of the event. If you are unsure, please ask.
• All armies for this event should be no larger than 1025 points.
• Forces may be made up using the Force Selection rules starting on page 182 of the Bolt
Action Third Edition rulebook.
• Amies may include as many rifle platoons as players want but for this event, we are asking that players include no more than one of each of the other platoon types (e.g. no more than one engineer platoon and no more than one armored platoon). If you have any questions, please ask.
ARMY LISTS ARE DUE (by midnight) January 25th , 2025.
Please email them to: [email protected]
Given the purpose of the event, we will only have 3 trophies to offer.
BEST SPORTSMANSHIP (for the player that folks most liked playing)
BEST PAINTED ARMY (as determined by players in the event)
BEST THEMED ARMY (as determined by the TO, if your army has a theme make sure this is
communicated to the TO)
You will notice that there are no awards for winning games at this event. This is intentional. The purpose of this event is to come together as a community to learn the rules and have fun. Given the flexibility of listing in Third Edition, it is the perfect time to consider how you could tailor a force to suit a particular unit in history or at a specific battle and be in contention for the Best Themed Army award. There will be a large prize pool for this event. Prizes will be randomly drawn and ideally everyone will get a prize for coming. Again, winning games will have no impact on prizes or trophies for this event.
Foothills Frontline is a one day, three game event. Each round will go for 2 and a half hours. In Round One, players will be chosen at random. We will be running missions out of the new Bolt Action rulebook. Everyone will be playing the same mission each round. These will feature a wide range of deployment and victory conditions. We will be posting the missions for this event on this event’s Facebook Page after all the lists for the event have been turned in. For those wondering, we will be tracking wins and losses at this event, only to set up who plays who each round, but these will not be used for any other reason.
There will be a 12-player (This can be increased) cap for this event.
For this event you will need:
• Warlord order dice and enough six-sided dice to play the game
• 3 x 25mm circular objective markers
• A tape measure
• The third edition rulebook
• Pin markers
• A pen and/or a pencil
• 3 print outs of your army list
• An appropriate dice bag
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
150 Park Lane Drive Ste. 300, Rutherfordton, NC, United States