Z navdušenjem sporočamo, da bomo marca v našem studiu gostili Blues Power band!!! 🤩 Pridružite se nam na nedeljskem blues večeru, kjer ne bo manjkalo dobre družbe in glasbe! Ob začetku večera je na sporedu tudi enourna blues delavnica, za vse, ki ste se že spoznali z osnovami tega plesa in bi se želeli poglobiti v gibanje na počasno glasbo. ✨Spremljajte nas, saj bomo kmalu objavili več podrobnosti!
🎶 Blues Power zasedba:
Miha Ribarič - bas
Aleš Uhan - klaviature
Gašper Buh - kitara, vokal
Julijan Erič - bobni, vokal
💃🕺 Blues delavnica (19:00-20:00):
->Nivo delavnice: Intermediate level - za plesalce, ki so se že spoznali z osnovami bluesa in ga občasno plešejo na družabnih dogodkih. Vabljeni tudi bolj izkušeni plesalci, ki se želite poglobiti v gibanje na počasno glasbo.
->Učitelja: Tita Urh in Jure Rus
📆 Datum: nedelja, 16. marec
🕧 Ura: 19:00-23:00 (blues delavnica 19:00-20:00)
👛 Vstop: 10€ (delavnica in plesni večer)
🏡 Lokacija: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana
💛 Sledi nam:
— English —
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the Blues Power band in March!!!! 🤩 Join us for a Sunday blues night where there will be plenty of good company and music! There will also be a one-hour blues workshop at the beginning of the evening, for those of you who have already learnt the basics of the dance and would like to go deeper into the movement to slow music. ✨
Stay tuned as we will be announcing more details soon!
🎶 Blues Power line-up:
Miha Ribarič - bass
Aleš Uhan - keyboards
Gašper Buh - guitar, vocals
Julijan Erič - drums, vocals
💃🕺 Blues workshop (19:00-20:00):
->Workshop level: Intermediate level - for dancers who already know the basics of the blues and occasionally dance it at social events. More experienced dancers who want to go deeper into the movement to slow music are also welcome.
->Teachers: Tita Urh and Jure Rus
📆 Date: Sunday, 16th March
🕧 Time: 19:00-23:00 (blues workshop 19:00-20:00)
👛 Entrance: 10€ (workshop and dance evening)
🏡 Location: Bottoms Up Studio, Celovška cesta 172, 1000 Ljubljana
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Bottoms Up, Ljubljana, Slovenia