SLO:Lekker vabi na glasbeno poslastico, ki bo tokrat prvič potekala na dveh plesiščih.
Na barskem flooru bo krmilo prevzela Hipersekira, kolektiv DJ-jev, producentov, oblikovalcev in ustvarjalcev, ustanovljen leta 2023, ki se posveča organizaciji rejvov, ki združujejo različne glasbene žanre, kot so trance, acid, industrial in hard techno. Njihov debitantski nastop v K4 bodo zastopali trije člani – Arnulf in Fayez s svojim acid-techno projektom Comrad ter Egoist z značilnimi energičnimi ritmi in poglobljenimi atmosferami.
Na main floor v goste prihaja LEANNE, 24-letna DJ-ka, pevka, avtorica pesmi, producentka ter ustanoviteljica kolektiva 43ST. Z igrivimi ritmi, angelskimi vokali in globokimi bas linijami njeni DJ-seti nagovarjajo oboževalce groove zvrsti techna, s kakšno selekcijo bo navdušila tokrat, pa se prepričajte v živo.
Glorex in Pholia, duša in srce kolektiva Lekker, bosta oder prevzeli z izbranim naborom skladb, ki raziskujejo razpon techna, hardbouncea, trancea in breakbeatov do občasnega baile funka, eurodanca in ghetto techa. S svojo harmonično, eksplozivno in dinamično glasbo kujeta temelje vzdušja dotičnih dogodkov. Vedno pripravljeni na nadaljnje glasbene avanture obljubljata nepozabno izkušnjo v rezidenčnem klubu.
Lekker invites you to a musical treat, which will take place on two dancefloors for the first time.
On the bar floor, the reins will be taken over by Hipersekira, a collective of DJs, producers, designers, and creators founded in 2023, dedicated to organizing raves that blend various music genres such as trance, acid, industrial, and hard techno. Representing their debut performance at K4 will be three members – Arnulf and Fayez with their acid-techno project Comrad, and Egoist with his signature energetic rhythms and immersive atmospheres.
On the main floor, LEANNE, a 24-year-old DJ, singer, songwriter, producer, and founder of the 43ST collective, will be the guest of the evening. With playful rhythms, angelic vocals, and deep basslines, her DJ sets captivate fans of groove-style techno. What kind of selection she will dazzle with this time, you can find out live.
Glorex and Pholia, the soul and heart of the Lekker collective, will take the stage with a carefully curated selection of tracks that explore the range of techno, hardbounce, trance, and breakbeats, occasionally touching on baile funk, eurodance, and ghetto tech. With their harmonious, explosive, and dynamic music, they lay the foundation for the atmosphere of these events. Always ready for further musical adventures, they promise an unforgettable experience at the resident club.
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
IG: klub_k4
INFO: [email protected]
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Klub K4, Slovenska cesta 53, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia