.Be Here Now - Oasis Tribute UK are heading to Torrington and will be supported by Battle of the Bands winners, Absent Minds and will be bringing the one and only DJ Time for Heroes.⭐️ "Perfect for lovers of indie, alternative, and Britpop music, DJ Time for Heroes is known for bringing an absolutely impeccable playlist of indie and rock classics, alongside hidden gems from the 90s and 2000s."
⭐️ "Be Here Now - Oasis Tribute UK is one of the top Oasis tribute acts in the country, faithfully recreating the sound and attitude of the legendary Manchester band. Known for their authentic performances, this tribute band delivers a nostalgic experience that captures the essence of Oasis’s live shows"
Expect all the bangers and some deep cuts 😎
📅 Saturday 1st February 2025
🚪 Doors 730pm
🎵 Absent Minds 745pm
🎵 Be Here Now - Oasis Tribute UK 9pm
🎧 DJ Time for Heroes til close
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
38 South Street, Great Torrington, Torridge Vale Social Club, South Street, Torrington, EX38 8AB, United Kingdom,Torrington, Devon, Bideford