Learn make use and sell..
Learn to make 11 types of bath salt.
Workshop details :
- Get to know about
- What is bath salt
- Effect of bath salt
- Use of bath salt
Learn to make
1) Relaxing Bath Salt
2) Green Tea Bath Salt
3) Detoxing Bath Salt
4) Tan Removing Bath Salt
5) Silky Skin Bath Salt
6) Stress free clear mind bath salt
7) Bath salt for sinus & cold
8) Stress relief bath salt
9) Bath Salt for body aches muscle soreness & neck pain
10) Bath Salt for Dry & Itchy skin
11) Bath salt for rheumatoid arthritis
- Packaging Pricing.
- Out of 11 recipe 2 recipes in videos and 9 recipe in notes.
- Detailed pre recorded videos | lifetime video access | vendor details will be provided |You can ask us your query anytime on whatsapp
- Once you register yourself we will give you access of videos and detailed notes will be sent to your registered email id.
- Registration fees : INR 500 (including videos & notes)
-Registration fees for non Indian : USD 10
Registration link - https://allevents.in/online/200020037150412
- For any query call or whatsapp us on +91 8306363530 | 9428110033
Event Venue