Avon Wildlife Trust Annual General Meeting 2024

Wed Nov 06 2024 at 06:00 am to 08:30 am

The Create Centre | Bristol

Avon Wildlife Trust
Publisher/HostAvon Wildlife Trust
Avon Wildlife Trust Annual General Meeting 2024
You are warmly invited to join us for AWT's Annual General Meeting at The Create Centre in Bristol on 6 November 2024
About this Event

You are warmly invited to join us for Avon Wildlife Trust's Annual General Meeting at The Create Centre in Bristol. Come and meet the team and hear about the work across the region that your membership supports.

Our Annual General Meeting highlights different areas of work and plays an important part in running the charity.

This year we are delighted to tell you more about our future plans for nature reserves, with a focus on acquiring more land that needs our specialist skills to create, restore and connect habitats. We'll also be providing updates on our growing Nature's Recovery team and what's next for our Team Wilder movement, along with everything else that's being done to help reach our strategic goals.

The formal AGM meeting is for the following purposes:

As Ordinary Business

  1. To receive the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees and Audited Annual Accounts, together with the Auditors’ report, for the year ended 31 March 2024.
  2. To elect as Trustees any persons duly proposed for election.

The board is proposing the re-election as an Elected Trustee of Nathan Rutter, whose first three-year term of office comes to an end at this AGM.

Under the Companies Act 2006 the serving Auditors, Messrs Burnside, are deemed re-appointed and continue in office.

Audited Accounts and Trustees’ Annual Report will be available on our website 28 days before the event and are also available on request from


Members are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote at the meeting on their behalf. A proxy need not be a member. To be a valid proxy, an appointment form must be received by the Trust not less than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. For a proxy form please contact [email protected] or download one from this link at return it to that email address:

Download a proxy form here

New Elected Trustees (ie Trustees elected at the AGM) can be nominated by the Board of Trustees or by four members of the Trust by way of formal written proposal delivered to the Trust office at 17 Great George Street, Bristol, BS1 5QT no later than 23 October, together with the written consent of the candidate to act as a Trustee. Candidates are required to provide verification of identity and a declaration of suitability and personal interests.

Without in any way restricting the members’ rights to propose new Trustees in this way, members will note that the Board has not carried out a Trustee recruitment exercise this year as we are not anticipating any vacancies in elected Trustee positions after proposed Trustee re-elections.

Members, volunteers and friends of Avon Wildlife Trust are welcome to attend, only members will be invited to vote.

Thank you for all that you've achieved for wildlife this year!

Know before you go

The lecture theatre where the meeting will be held is on the ground floor of The Create Centre.

There is a carpark with five accessible bays and over 30 parking spaces in addition to this.

Directions to the venue can be found here: Contact us – Create (createbristol.org)


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

The Create Centre, Smeaton Road, Bristol, United Kingdom


GBP 0.00

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