About this Event
Autism and Emotional Regulation
About this session
Children and adults with autism often need support with Emotional Regulation.
Do you have an Autistic child who has difficulties coping with the emotional side of life? Do they frequently struggle to deal with incidents, events or the fact that you say ‘no’ to them? Do they take a long time to recover on an emotional level?
This session explores practical ways to teach and support Emotional Regulation in Autistic young people.
You will understand better how emotional regulation strategies can be effectively used to support a child with an Autistic profile.
This session explores practical ways to support Emotional Regulation in young people with Autism. Understanding how emotional regulation strategies can be used effectively is crucial in proving the best possible support.
Useful for:
• those working with or caring for Autistic children and wanting to improve the effectiveness of support they provide
Suitable for:
• Parents, SENCOs, Teachers and Learning Support Assistants
Also included:
• Summary sheet of Key Points
• Certificate of Attendance
These will be emailed to you at the start of the session.
Session Leader: Nicola Durrant
This session is led by Nicola Durrant, an Autism Specialist Teacher and Consultant as well as being a Mum to an amazing Autistic daughter. She worked as a SENCO for eight years and a specialist advisor for 13 years while also training as dyslexia assessor and gaining a Master’s degree in Autism. As an independent specialist teacher Nicola has a proven track record of first-class support and advice for parents and teachers and is a Director of SEND Station.
Duration: 1.5 hrs
SEND Station
You will receive a warm welcome from us.
Our sessions are informal and informed, delivered with humility and humour and scope for interaction.
‘Sometimes learning is simply better on-line…SEND Station is a great destination to explore fresh, practical and great value training for those working with and supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities.’
The Really Important Bits
Your e-ticket
Following your payment, you will receive an email confirmation from Eventbrite with a button inviting you to view the event. Clicking on this button will take you back to your Eventbrite order details with a link to the event.
This link is your e-ticket.
Clicking on the link will take you to Zoom and you then press the Launch Meeting blue button to access the event. on the day, from about 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. You will be able to access the event about 10 minutes before the scheduled time on the day, not before.
Please note
If your e-ticket has ended up in your Spam folder you will need to drag it into your Inbox so you can use the link.
If this is the first time you have used Eventbrite, you will be asked to verify your email before you can access your e-ticket. This simply requires you to reply to the email that Eventbrite has sent you.
You will also receive a reminder email from Eventbrite before the event starts.
If you have not used Zoom before, make sure the device you are using to access the session has the Zoom software loaded onto it. If you try and use the blue Launch Button without the software Zoom will prompt you to load it. This is simple and takes a few minutes.
Starting the session
Please note that we always aim to start our sessions on time.
If you have concerns about joining or have not used Zoom before we suggest you join early to make sure you are in in good time.
We understand that tech issues/real life sometimes gets in the way. If you miss the session for reasons beyond your control, please email us before or during the event and we will send you another opportunity to join the next available session - we wouldn't want you to miss out! We cannot issue new bookings post the event.
If you have any issues getting access please contact us immediately at:
We always ensure we are available to help at the beginning of sessions and will do our best to assist you.
Team @ SEND Station
Our Terms and Conditions
This is a live event.
Recordings of this session are not made or permitted and all materials are copyright SEND Station Ltd.
Pricing is per delegate.
Please purchase additional tickets if more than one person is planning to attend the session.
We do not issue refunds for missed events, but we will ensure you have access to the same event at a future date so long as let us know in advance of the event or during it.
If the event does not take place due to a fault on our behalf, we will offer you the choice of rebooking free of charge or a refund.
Event Venue
GBP 9.50