Arcade Night at NQ64 every Wednesday ⭐️ Grab your ticket now for our Arcade Nights at NQ64 Soho! Each ticket includes 5 tokens for games on arrival, and student drink prices all night long from £3.50!🍹
Over 50 arcade games to choose from in this underground Arcade bar 👀
If you're a group or looking for a private booking - send Olivia an email and we can plan the perfect night out for you! [email protected]
Doors open at 3pm
📍 Address: 53 Berwick St, London W1F 8SP
🚇 Nearest Tube: Tottenham Court Road / Oxford Circus / Piccadilly Circus
📣 Entry: Please be aware that entry is at the discretion of the venue, no single entry. This ticket allows entrance from 6pm.
🆔 Physical ID Required: Remember to bring your physical ID; unfortunately, we cannot accept photos or scans on your phone.
🎫 Ticket Name: Make sure your ticket name matches your ID name for a smooth entry.
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
NQ64 Arcade Bar - Soho, NQ64 Arcade Bar - Soho, London, EN, United Kingdom