About this Event
"Talking to the Wall" Workshop - Feeling heard and Effectively Communicating
*No Recordings*
Not just an Irish mammy saying sometimes there are days in parenting where we often feel we are in fact "talking to the wall". This workshop has been specifically developed and curated to not only shed insight on:
-What might be influencing and effecting our childrens listneing skills.
-What may improve and nurture these skills.
-What trends in our communication may be hindering our progress.
-Some ideas on how we can easily improve how we are communicating our message.
-Ideally begin to feel more heard and use less energy trying to be heard with some practical and effective every day tips.
-Some simple suggestions in nurturing and gaining co-operation.
*There are no recordings available for any of the sessions or workshops.
Event Venue
EUR 50.00