"Becoming a Published Author" online class

Fri May 09 2025 at 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm UTC-05:00

Online | Online

Ellacec Publishing
Publisher/HostEllacec Publishing
"Becoming a Published Author" online class
"Get published and get PAID!!!"
About this Event

This live online course will be taught by author Theresa Banks and details will be provided on the following topics: manuscript preparation, traditional publishing, self-publishing, marketing and promoting. Sub-topics include: writer's block, literary agents and eBook security. The class will be 2 hours long, will include a five minute break and a question/answer session. The author's credentials are shown in a pictorial image below.

After the student enrolls in class, a link to the course will be provided via email. The online class will be accessible to students 10 minutes before class begins, and attendance will be taken on class day. Students that have not paid for the class will not be admitted into the session. The instructor reserves the right to not permit a student to enter the class after it has started. No refund will be provided to late arriving students that are not permitted into class, or students that miss a class. The only situation where a student may request a refund is if the instructor is unable to teach (for example, due to illness or technical difficulties). If the instructor is unable to teach the class, the student will have the option to enroll in another class free of charge or may request a 100% full refund. The instructor can be reached at [email protected] to answer questions or concerns, should the need arise.

Students should be aware their first and last names will appear within the instructional tool being used by the author, the instructor's audio will be turned on, the student's audio and video will be turned off by default and a chat box will be available for use by everyone during the class. Students that turn their audio and video settings back on themselves accept all risks and consequences involved regarding their privacy, and their attendance in the class indicates they will not hold Ellacec Publishing or the instructor (Theresa Banks) liable for any defamation or damages that could result.

This class will be recorded by Ellacec Publishing and the instructor (Theresa Banks). When you pay for this class and attend it, you're indicating your awareness the class will be recorded and you're granting permission for your audio (if you speak), video (if you turn it on) and chat comments (if entered) to be recorded and stored for future use however intended by Ellacec Publishing and the instructor (Theresa Banks).

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USD 55.20

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