6th International Conference on Chinese as a L2 Research (CASLAR-6)

Fri, 30 Jul, 2021 at 12:00 am to Sun, 01 Aug, 2021 at 11:30 pm

Online | Online

The George Washington University
Publisher/HostThe George Washington University
6th International Conference on Chinese as a L2 Research (CASLAR-6)
The 6th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research
(CASLAR-6 Virtual Conference)
July 30 – August 1, 2021
About this Event

CASLAR-6 Notes(注册费收取说明):

1. The registration fee covers access to all plenary speeches, breakout sessions (individual presentations), workshop sessions, as well as other activities included in the conference program.

2. The credit card processor on Eventbrite (the registration website) adds surcharges to all payments. The CASLAR-6 conference does not receive any portion of this fee.

3. CASLAR-6 will NOT be accepting any requests for refunds.

4. The first 250 registered attendees (first come, first served) will use the Sched platform to access all conference content.

5. Any attendee who would like to receive a K-12 Professional Development Point (PDP) certificate should contact the Organizing Committee at [email protected] no later than the end of the day on August 1, 2021.

1. 缴纳注册费的参会者可参与大会组织的学术活动,包括大会主题演讲、研习班以及所有个人研究报告。

2. 会议使用Eventbrite网站进行注册,Eventbrite作为第三方会收取少量服务费。

3. 网会注册后恕不退款。

4. 前250位注册参会人员可优先使用Sched会议界面参加会议活动。先到先得。

5. 有意取得K-12专业培训点数证书者,请在2021年8月1日前通过电子邮件([email protected])与组织委员会联系。

Event Photos

CASLAR is a biennial conference with the goal to bring together scholars from all over the world whose research focuses on the acquisition, development and use of Chinese as a second language to survey available knowledge in the field, exchange ideas and initiate research projects.

The 2021 online CASLAR-6 conference is co-organized by the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL), and the East Asia National Resource Center (NRC), of the George Washington University (GWU). The GWU Foggy Bottom campus is located in Washington, DC, USA.

This online conference will offer six plenary speeches, 6 workshops, breakout sessions, etc. to promote collaboration, provide new knowledge, support peer-to-peer learning, and deepen communications between researchers and Chinese language practitioners at all levels.

Only presenters registered for the conference before June 15 (the early bird deadline) will be included in the conference program. The Organizing Committee will assign a time slot for each oral or poster presentation pending reviewer recommendation. The conference program will be available on the conference website.

CASLAR-6 welcomes both presenters and non-presenters to attend the entire conference and actively engage with presentations and participate in workshops.

Information and updates for the conference will be posted on: https://eall.columbian.gwu.edu/caslar-6-2021. Inquiries about the conference should be sent to [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you at the CASLAR-6 Virtual Conference from July 30 to August 1, 2021.

汉语作为第二语言研究学会(CASLAR)每两年组织一次国际学术会议,旨在为世界各国以汉语作为第二语言研究的学者与教育从业者搭建平台,增强汉语习得研究与教学实践的交流。旗下《汉语作为第二语言研究》(http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/caslar) 双语学术期刊也秉承此宗旨,为各国学者提供展示研究成果的园地。





具体会议信息及更新消息,请参见会议网站: https://eall.columbian.gwu.edu/caslar-6-2021。如有问题,请联系组委会:[email protected]. 期待与您在7月30日至8月1日网上云聚,进行学术交流与探讨。


Event Venue



USD 50.00 to USD 300.00

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