6 Sept 2022 - Equality, Diversity & Unconscious Bias Training

Tue Sep 06 2022 at 01:30 pm to 04:30 pm

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Bhayani HR & Employment Law
Publisher/HostBhayani HR & Employment Law
6 Sept 2022  - Equality, Diversity & Unconscious Bias Training
This interactive workshop will discuss the Equality Act 2010 legislation and best practice tips to prevent discrimination.
About this Event

1. Workshop Summary

The workshop is designed to be an interactive and informative session to equip all employees from junior members of staff, members of the management team and board level positions with an overview of the Equality Act 2010 legislation and best practice tips to prevent discrimination. It will aim to help participants to understand their responsibilities within the Act from a practical approach and HR perspective. The workshop will comprise presentation style training combined with practical exercises based on experience and, time permitting, case studies to promote transfer of learning.

All participants will be provided with a completion certificate for company records and use, and this course can be used for the continued professional development of individuals within workplaces.

2. Workshop objectives

To give participants an overall knowledge and awareness of the issues around workplace discrimination and protect the organisation against claims with good practice, workable steps. The workshop will focus on:

  • Employee rights and entitlements; and
  • Employer responsibilities and accountabilities.

3. Outcomes – at the end of the workshop participants will:
  • Know the 9 protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010;
  • Understand the key definitions of discrimination, harassment and victimisation under the act;
  • Understand key impacts of the Act on employment;
  • Understand what unconscious bias is and when this might occur;
  • Have a practical knowledge of their responsibilities and accountabilities; and
  • Understand what the implications are if the correct procedures are not followed.
  • Take away practical initiatives to apply to the workplace to prevent discrimination

4. Delivery and costs

The workshop will be delivered online and participants will be expected to take part in break out rooms to ensure engagement and be given an opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

The cost per delegate is £95 plus vat to include a workbook and materials. 10% discount is applied to clients of Bhayani Law and Bhayani Recruitment and to employees/trustees of a registered charity. For multiple bookings, additional discounts can be negotiated. We are also happy to arrange in person bespoke delivery to your workforce.

Contact us on 0333 888 1360 or email [email protected] to discuss your training needs and to find out more about us and our training courses click here.

About Bhayani HR & Employment Law

Our team is always in your corner.

We specialise in all areas of employment law and HR services. We are particularly focused on providing creative legal solutions that not only tell you what the law says but show you how to apply it to get the most favourable outcome, whatever your industry sector or size.

For more information visit www.bhayanilaw.co.uk

About Bhayani Recruitment

Recruitment. Done Right.

Bhayani Recruitment was created with one clear mission: deliver expert recruitment solutions for businesses and the third sector. Born out of our sister company, Bhayani Law, we recognised the need for our clients to have access to expert, flexible and workable recruitment solutions from recruiters who take the time to know and understand your business.

For more information visit www.bhayanirecruitment.co.uk

Event Photos
Event Photos

Event Venue



GBP 95.00

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