About this Event
TRAUMA... what does that word bring up for you?
In this 5 week course you will gain clarity and understanding around how your adverse childhood expierinces (ACES) directly impact who you are today as an adult.

Week 1: Step 1 Alignment - Exploring what the mind, the body and the spirit mean to you. You will learn what it feels like when your mind, body and spirit are aligned in the present moment. Know the difference between alignment and unalignment.
Week 2: Step 2 Self Love - Connecting to and building an awareness around your core belief system and how it dictates the majority of your thoughts and actions. Introduction to mirror work, learning to see yourself with eyes of clarity.
Week 3: Step 3 Trauma - Uncovering the events that built our core beliefs. Learning about the disconnect that happens as a result of trauma. Gaining understanding around the inner child and the role it plays in our suffering and our healing.
Week 4: Step 4 Addiction - Getting curious about the ways we have learned to cope with our adverse childhood experience (ACES) and acknowledging the creative (and sometimes destructive) ways we have learned to get our needs met.
Week 5: Step 5 Tools - Identifying the recourses and tools that you have already attained throughout your life's journey. Learning that reconnecting back to our passions can be a preventative method for dealing with life's challenges. Ensuring that you feel confident and supported as you continue along your healing journey.
Event Venue
USD 25.55