IET Master-Instructor classes are open to any IET student who has completed the IET Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels by the time of the class. You don’t have to have been using your previously acquired IET skills in order to take this class. In fact, many students who take this class have little or no practice yet in using their IET skills with others.This IET Master-Instructor class will greatly empower your ability to Envision, Embrace, and Enact the Energetic Potential of your vision and dreams and bring them alive in the world. By focusing on optimizing your 12 Strand DNA, this class will open your energetic pathways to manifestation and support you in living the life that you are destined to live. This class offers you an opportunity to be in vibrational alignment with your dreams and desires. In addition to being a wonderfully supportive weekend focused on helping you live your vision in the world, the techniques you will learn in this class will enable you to help family, friends, and clients live their visions as well.
The Name Master-Instructor:
“Master” refers to the mastery of the IET energy that you will receive in this class which results in the full expansion of the IET energy ray and brings an even stronger level of IET energy through to the practitioner during self-treatment, absentee, and client sessions. Instructor refers to your ability to teach IET classes (including attuning others to the IET energy rays).
Class Description
Claiming and Living Your REACH
Beyond your vision for yourself in the world is the angels’ even greater and grander vision for you in the world – something we call your reach. You will begin by identifying and claiming your “reach”.
Opening your Channels to Manifestation with IET Sacred Geometry
You will then receive the IET Master-Instructor attunement and learn and use the IET Master-Instructor 12 Strand DNA techniques designed to open your channels of manifestation and clear your resistance to manifesting your reach and bringing your dreams alive in the world. You will learn to use sacred geometry to harness the IET rays for the 12 Strand alignment technique, the IET powerburst technique, the I-Chi technique, the Karma Clearing technique, and more.
IET Attunements, and Teaching others how to heal their lives
You will learn how to use sacred geometry to give Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced level IET attunements. Then, in support of your living your reach, you will receive 6 Basic, 6 Intermediate, and 6 Advanced re-attunements designed to open and strengthen your channels of manifestation. We call it our IET Energy Fun Fest! If teaching is your gift, this class provides you with agendas, guidelines, and suggestions for teaching and certifies you to teach the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Pets, Kids, and Healing Angels IET classes.
Master-Instructor Attunement
You will receive a special Master-Instructor Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor Level ray. Our Master-Instructor Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 6th pair (alignment with the divine) of your 12 Strand DNA. The activation of the 6th pair turns on your ability to activate the DNA of others and attune them to the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels. In addition, once your attuned to the Master-Instructor level IET Ray, your energy field will operate in an increased state of spiritual surrender know as “thy will not my will”. Please note that IET Master-Instructors are not empowered to teach the Master-Instructor level training program or attempt to attune students to the Master-Instructor level. Only IET Master-Instructor Trainers can teach the Master-Instructor class.
Practical Spirituality
Learn “business basics” of advertising and running your IET sessions/classes. This includes understanding and clearing the primary blockages to your business success.
Energy Investment 695 or 750 with 3 x meals provided each day
B and B close by also for accommodation
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Falls Hotel Ennistimon, Ennistimon, Clare, Ireland, Ennis