IN ENGLISH BELOW4.–6. aprillil kutsume ajaloolise tantsu laagrisse “15. sajandi tantsud Euroopas”. Laagri juhendajaks on ajaloolise tantsu spetsialist Tanja Skok. Kolmepäevases laagris õpime erinevaid 15. sajandi tantse, sellele ajale iseloomulikke samme ja maneere. Keskendume pigem sammude iseloomule, et õppida tundma 15. sajandi tantsudes olevat ajastu vaimu. Oluline on, et tantsides tekiks õige meeleolu ja omavaheline dialoogi, sest selle aja tantsud on väga mängulised.
Laagrisse on oodatud osalema kõik ajaloolise tantsu huvilised. Anname enne laagrit teada tantsude nimed, mis kavasse tulevad, et muusikutest tantsuhuvilised saaksid eelnevalt repertuaariga tutvuda. Eelnev tantsuline kogemus ei ole oluline. Laagris saavad õppida erineva tasemega tantsuhuvilised.
Kursus toimub Tallinnas, Pärnu mnt 154, ARSi majas, Tallinn Swing Dance Society saalis.
Kolmel päeval on kokku 11 tundi tantsu. Laagri tasu 195 eurot.
Palume laagrisse registreerida meili teel kirjutades: [email protected]
Lisainfo: tel 5343 2232,
Lisainfot Tanja Skoki tegemiste kohta leiate sellelt aadressilt:
Korraldaja: tantsukool Arte Movimento
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On 4–6 April 2025 we invite you to a historical dance workshop 15th century dances in Europe taking place in Tallinn, Estonia. The workshop will be led by Tanja Skok (Slovenia).
During the 3-day course we will learn various 15th century dances. The focus will be on the steps and manners characteristic of that time to get in touch with the spirit of the era. It is important to feel the right atmosphere and the dialogue between the participants, because the dances during the era were playful.
Everyone interested in learning historical dances are welcome to participate. Former dance experience is not necessary, dance enthusiasts of different levels can take part. Before the workshop, we will let you know the names of the dances that will be included in the program, so that musicians taking part of the course can familiarize themselves with the repertoire in advance.
The workshop will be in English and take place in Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 154. It will be in English.
In the 3-day workshop there will be 11 hours of dance. Course fee is 195 euros.
Please register to the workshop by email: [email protected]
For more information please contact: tel +372 5343 2232
More information about Tanja Skok can be found here:
Organiser: Dance School Arte Movimento
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn, Estonia