Brookings TaeKwonDo Open Championship
GS Mickelson Middle School
1801 12th Street S., Brookings, SD 57006
Sat. April 12, 2024
or you can Scan the QR Code.
• Early Bird: Jan 1 - Feb 28 - $75
• Regular: March 1 - March 31 - $90
• Late: April 1 - April 9 (10PM Central) - $110
* There will be no same day registrations. All registrations must be submitted online by Wednesday, April 9 at 10PM CST.
** Coached MUST Register. Coaches Registration is FREE.
7:30am - 8:30am - Registration Pick-up
8:30am - 8:45am - Coaches Meeting
8:45am - 9:00am - Referee/Judges Meeting
9:00am - 9:30am - Opening Ceremony (Introduction of Schools, National Anthem, Prayer)
9:30am - Competition Begins
Order of Events and Event Details:
o Demo Team (Trophy for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams) *
o Team Forms
o Black Belt Traditional Weapons
o Colored Belt Traditional Weapons
o Black Belt Extreme Weapons
o Colored Belt Extreme Weapons
o Black Belt Forms
o Colored Belt Forms
o Colored Belt Olympic Sparring*
o Black Belt Olympic Sparring*
* Daedo (Gen 2) System will be used for ALL Ranks & Ages.
Gen 2 Footgear will be available for rent ($15) or purchase ($100) at the event.
* AAU Rules and Regulations will be followed.
Please see AAU TaeKwonDo Rules .PDF (Olympic Style Sparring Pages: 17-30, 75 – 82) HERE:
* Athletes WILL BE required to weigh-in at Sat. morning of the event during credential pick-up between 7:30 – 8:30am. Athletes MUST weigh within the AAU Recognized Weight Division they registered for or risk being bumped to another division.
Athletic clothing (shirt & shorts) WILL be worn during weigh-ins).
One Coach and Athlete at Mat/Ring side.
Head Kicks are allowed at all Rank and Ages:
o Modified Safety Rules (Junior Safety Rules) will be strictly enforced for ALL Colored Belts 17 and under.
o Modified Safety Rules (Junior Safety Rules) will be strictly enforced for all Black Belts 14 and under.
Hotel Info:
• Comfort Suites University
(*You must call local number & mention Brookings TaeKwonDo "Guest Pay" for Group Rate Discount which in ONLY $110/Night.)
929 25th Ave
Brookings, SD 57006
(605) 692-2882
8 Minutes from Venue
• Royal River Casino & Hotel
607 S Veterans St
Flandreua, SD 57028
(605) 997-3746
26 Minutes from Venue
Event Venue
1801 12th St S, Brookings, SD 57006-5411, United States