在撰寫飛櫈行為藝術計劃資料展的宣傳稿上,我們首先要面對一種時間—一種會變味、會腐爛的時間。飛櫈行為藝術計劃早在2018年開始計劃及在2019的年初申請資助。在開始計劃時,我們相信自由只是在社會及社區各個層面,各個角落逐點逐點地散失或收窄,或響起警號。但在短短兩年時間,因為反修例運動令香港人成為了「香港人」,而香港卻不再是那個香港。 2019年6月開始,「香港人」沒有選擇地,以唯一的生命走到街頭上捍衛人類的最基本—自由!良知!
而在2020年我們迎來了飛櫈行為藝術計劃的資助,也迎來新冠狀病毒,同時,也迎來了香港人的流亡事實。在腐爛的本質上,既侵食也㖔噬了時間建立的希望。我們沒有向前的機會,卻是實實在在地與George Orwell 在《1984》及《動物農莊》裡面的情境接合了。我們現在的社會機制、模式、不正是了?!
但,即使社會運動如此⋯⋯ 我們的處境如此⋯⋯疫症如此⋯⋯
很榮幸是次行為現場找來原本是美術指導的攝影師莫君傑(Eddy Mok)為我們作現場攝影,他把自己多年的電影美術視覺經驗,以鏡頭捕足了行為藝術創作者當下的情感和力量。展覽除了相片之外,還展出由黎振寧拍攝整個藝術計劃的紀錄影像。
When we are writing the Hong Kong FREEDOM Performance Art Project press release draft. At first, we have to face a type of Time- a Time that will change in smells and rotten.
The idea of Hong Kong FREEDOM Performance Art Project was started in 2018 and applied funding in 2019. At the very beginning, we believed freedom is scattered and alarming in different places, status and layers in Hong Kong. Yet shortly in these two years, Hong Kong people established as ‘Hong Kong people’ because of the anti-extradition bill movement, and Hong Kong no longer is that ‘Hong Kong’. Starting from 2019 June, Hong Kongers have no choice but to stand up for freedom and conscience with our lives to protest and resist on street!
Then in 2020, we received the grant, but we also received the pandemic and the fact of exile of Hong Kongers. In the nature of decay, it erodes and swallows the hope of Time. We don’t have a chance to step forward, yet it is the same situation as George Orwell had mentioned in “1984” and “Animal farm”. Isn’t it the same as our present social structure and condition? Despite the fact that the condition of social movement and life and pandemic is uncertain…
Nevertheless, this project, which is hold in the name of FREEDOM, still operate under all these difficulties. Besides Live performance, 3 seminars and five workshops, we also have this coming exhibition. The aim of this project is to promote performance art, providing platform and chance for public to understand and experience performance art, and even take this art form as their way to make art or as a language. ——This live performance includes eight ‘amateur’ performance artists, they will take performance as their medium to create, presenting their thoughts of the moment. Meanwhile they will co-create with experienced artists. We take performance art as the platform to express ourselves, conveying and revealing our thoughts, the present situation, our emotions, rights and freedom.
It is our great pleasure to have photographer Eddy Mok who also works as an art director to be our live photographer to record the live performance, he has infused his experience from film visual art into shooting and recording the emotion and power of the performances. Moreover , the exhibition also shows the documentary video of the whole project taken by Dick Lai.
> 開幕 Opening:
10/1/2021 5pm
> 展覽日期 Date:
(星期一休息 Closed on Monday)
> 時間 Time:
> 地址 Venue:
Sense 99
中環卑利街65號2字樓 2/F 65 Peel
Street Central
(按 Press--2,65/65A)
Participating Artists:
陳式森 CHEN Shisen (Sanmu)
丸 仔 yuenjie MARU
嚴穎嘉 Monique YIM
歐陽東 AU YEUNG Tung
陳美彤 CHAN Mei Tung
盧樂謙 Him LO
馬穎汶 MA Wing Man
葉思汝 Sammie IP
黃榮鋒 Casteil WONG
袁曉嵐 YUEN Hiu Lam
曾曉渝 Dawn TSANG
鄭資姿 Chi Chi CHENG
Agnes Bear
曾慧明 TSANG Wai Ming
黎振寧 LAI Chun Ling
杜 躍 TO Yeuk
Photographer : Eddy MOK
Video : LAI Chun Ling
> 查詢及預約 Enquiry and appointment
for visit:
E-mail: [email protected]
直接 Messenger to “The Originals”
Please visit our page for more information:
【 注意事項 】
**為減少病毒傳播, 將採取以下防疫措施:
1. 所有參與活動人士須全程配戴口罩,大會將提供酒精搓手液及體溫計,若體溫超過37.5度者不可進場。
2. 大會將視乎法令,需要時限制入場人數。**
【 Attention 】
** Due to the severity of the Covid-19, for people who come to visit our exhibition, please fill a Health Declaration Form in the venue. * *
**Epidemic prevention measures:
1. All participants must wear a mask throughout the whole session of the seminar. Alcohol handrub and digital thermometers will be provided, if one's body temperature is over 37.5℃, he/she may not allow to participate.
2. In accordance with local laws, the number of participants may be limited.**
**All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and only for the purpose of contacting for the event by The Originals**
Coordinator : TO Yeuk
The Project is Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council
特別鳴謝:Sense 99,莫昭如,CCCD,郝立仁,莫君傑,Rachel Poon,藝術到家, 及幫咗我哋嘅人
Special thanks to: Sense 99, Augustine Mok, CCCD, Benjamin Hao, Eddy Mok, Rachel Poon, Art together and those who help us
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Sense 99, 2/F 65-65 A Peel Street, Central,Hong Kong., Hong Kong, Hong Kong