Workshops in Woodland

Check out happening workshops events all around Woodland, CA

Simplifying the Landscape in Acrylics

Wed Oct 02 2024 at 05:00 pm YoloArts USD 82

Demystifying Spirit Communication

Thu Sep 26 2024 at 06:00 pm 521 Main Street, Woodland CA 95695

Sip & Stitch with Coach Cory

Fri Oct 04 2024 at 05:30 pm Kaia FIT

An Evening of Inspiration and Hope

Fri Oct 18 2024 at 05:30 pm Hotel Woodland

Designing Your Dream Bread Formula

Mon Sep 23 2024 at 02:00 pm California Wheat Commission

WHS Class of 1984 40th Reunion

Sat Oct 19 2024 at 06:00 pm Edgewater Coastal Bar & Grill

Metalwork Jewelry Class: Brass Pendant

Thu Oct 17 2024 at 06:00 pm YoloArts USD 109

Metalwork Jewelry Class: Handcrafted Ring

Thu Nov 07 2024 at 06:00 pm YoloArts USD 130

Marton Harvest Festival - 2024

Fri Jan 31 2025 1750 Tehama Dr USD 99

From Pain to Passion: Transforming Your Relationship (Woodland)

Wed Jul 17 2024 at 01:00 pm Woodland via Virtual Zoom Free

Cyanotype + Anyhotype Workshop

Sat Oct 12 2024 at 10:00 am YoloArts USD 162

Block Printing Workshop

Sat Nov 09 2024 at 10:00 am Gibson House (YoloArts) USD 162

Music Group- Free/ Grupo de Música- Gratis

Mon Aug 02 2021 at 09:30 am Grace Hiddleson Park (Right Next to YMCA) Free