Kids Events & Activities in Marion

Check out happening kids & activities events all around Marion, OH

Escape Room

Wed Oct 02 2024 at 05:00 pm Marion Public Library

Marion Reptile Expo (Show Me Reptile Show)

Sat Dec 14 2024 at 11:00 am 220 E fairgrounds St. Marion, OH 43302

Pumpkin Painting Challenge

Mon Sep 30 2024 at 09:00 am Marion Public Library

Exclusive Screening - Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot

Wed Oct 09 2024 at 06:30 pm Marion Palace Theatre

Project Noelle Event

Sun Dec 15 2024 at 03:00 pm The Shepherd's Fellowship

Santa and his REAL Reindeer!

Tue Dec 03 2024 at 07:00 pm 734 E. Center St., Marion, OH

Special Guest: Elder Monica Whaley

Sun Oct 20 2024 at 10:30 am The Shepherd's Fellowship

Special Guests: Hannah and Nathan Howell

Sun Oct 27 2024 at 10:30 am The Shepherd's Fellowship

TSF: Back to Church Sunday

Sun Nov 10 2024 at 11:30 am The Shepherd's Fellowship

JAMS for JIM w/ Oak and Linden@ Remnant, 11/22/24, 530-730 pm

Fri Nov 22 2024 at 06:30 pm The Remnant Tea & Coffee

JAMS for JIM @ Kin and Kilt, 1/11/25, 7-9:30 PM

Sat Jan 11 2025 at 08:00 pm Kin & Kilt

JAMS for JIM @ Shovel City (The End, for now) 2/28/25, 7-10 pm

Fri Feb 28 2025 at 08:00 pm Shovel City Drinkery

TSF Fall Festival

Sat Oct 26 2024 at 02:00 pm The Shepherd's Fellowship

JAMS for JIM @ Shovel City (Generations Pt 2), 11/1/24, 7-10 pm

Fri Nov 01 2024 at 07:00 pm Shovel City Drinkery

JAMS for JIM @ Knights of Columbus (Marion), 1/25/25, 715-930pm

Sat Jan 25 2025 at 08:15 pm Knights of Columbus Council 671