** Ecstatic Dance Body Prayer
** Crystal Sound Bowl Vibration Healing
** Full Bodied Chakra Activation Journey
** Conscious Communion
** Elemental Embodiment
** Reclaiming Humanity
** Ceremonial Cacao
- What if empowerment was simply about the WAY you RELATE to who you are?
- What happens when the NEED TO CHANGE is replaced by the acceptance and expansion of who you already are and the letting go of who you aren't.
Your mind is a powerful tool for growth when used consciously, but without a good connection to THE WHOLE of yourself, you stay disembodied and stagnant.
Body stagnation causes a degradation and depression of your life force energy and over time results in dis-ease and illness.
After many years of experiencing illness in her body, and after letting go of finding salvation through any kind of prescriptive drugs, Maria Barnicoat's personal journey led her to find an invigoration of her life and her mind, body and soul through simple, key environmental influences and actions that she discovered in the last 20 years of her life.
☆ AWAKENING is a live journey of these pieces woven in such a way that takes you on your own healing journey back to your homeland - yourself, your body. The main threads are: aspects of meditation, sound healing, ecstatic dance, cacao ceremony and space for deep reflective enquiry.
Awakening is not only a journey of descension into the body but specifically into the 7 main chakras that are held in the body.
Each chakra is a vortex powerhouse of energy, and each of us will have chakras in differing states of health and activity depending on our alignment of our facets of self/psyche and interoceptivity (our interoceptivity It is our ability to FEEL and be AWARE of the nuances in feelings in our bodies).
Awakening has been created to increase our alignment and interoceptivity through the practices we engage with as we embark on a self enquiry journey into the stories our chakras hold.
Our stories are the way we have interpreted our life experiences to make sense of them in our minds.
Often our stories are outdated and are interwined with certain belief systems we abide by that are holding us back from excelling in ourselves.
AWAKENING brings fresh life to these restrictive beliefs so that we can transform them and embody, through practices, NEW possibilities and NEW emerging beliefs to live by.
In AWAKENING you will land more deeply in who youARE right now, and deepen your self-love. This is perhaps one of the most powerful parts of the course. Its the core essence of our humanity - our capacity to love, forgive and accept key aspects in ourselves and our significant others in our lives.
Each gathering will be 3 hours long and the embodiment sessions will be held at L’Hermitage Village Hall in St Peter and will combine aspects of meditation, sound healing, ecstatic dance, cacao ceremony and space for deep reflective enquiry.
AT 6:30 til 9:30pm
❤️ ROOT POWER- Tuesday 14th January
🧡 SACRAL POWER- Tuesday 28th January
💛 SOLAR POWER- Tuesday 4th February
💚 HEART POWER- Tuesday 11th February
💙 THROAT POWER- Tuesday 25th February
💜 THIRD EYE POWER- Tuesday 11th March
🤍 CROWN POWER- Tuesday 25th March
🌈 RAINBOW CEREMONY- Tuesday 1st April
☆ INCLUDED in the course package:
- 8 x 3hour In-Person Empowerment Journeys
- Online ongoing support group chat
- Preparation sent in advance week by week for the week ahead.
- Information handouts week by week.
Of AWAKENING are WARMLY WELCOMED to join us again and take a whole new journey with us. We love to have back familiar hearts in our circle. Every journey meets us where we are at and the experience will build upon who you are right now.
☆ ABOUT the Teacher, Maria Barnicoat
Maria is the founder of Earth Beauty, Wild Earth Dance and Kali Ma Raw Chocolate & Artisan Workshops. She is a trained life coach and well learned in the cosmic realm of Astrology and the energy system of the body. After holding meditation spaces for a number of years, in 2009 she instilled her classes and events with movement journeys after discovering movement/ecstatic dance as a powerful healing tool and undertaking an intensive number of workshops under various teachers of 5Rhythms, Soul Motion, Movement Medicine.
She uses sacred cacao as a medicine to bring softer heart spaces, and guides individuls and groups through transformative processes with embodiment practices and the return back to ceremony that our souls are so thirsty for right now. She is passionate about holding creative healing spaces for people ready to rise up in the opportunity of these times, to claim back our power and our heart-led conscious humanity from our colonialised and patriarchal patterns.
Maria draws on support at her courses from a wonderful team, without who she could not create such beautiful spaces.
Event Venue
L'Hermitage Gardens, St Peter, JE3 7, Jersey