💕 Nauči plesati Bachatu u 3 sata / 22.03. Subota 💕 Beleza Bar

Sat Mar 22 2025 at 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm UTC+01:00

Beleza Brazilian Bar | Zagreb

Bachata Inspire
Publisher/HostBachata Inspire
\ud83d\udc95 Nau\u010di plesati Bachatu u 3 sata \/ 22.03. Subota \ud83d\udc95 Beleza Bar
💕 Nauči plesati Bachatu u 3 sata / 22.03. Subota 💕 Beleza Bar
💃 Uvijek ste htjeli otkriti čaroliju bachate no niste imali vremena za mjesece učenja? 🕺
🎉 Pridružite nam se na ekskluzivnoj vikend radionici bachate za početnike i otkrijte strast prema plesu u samo 1 vikendu!
🌟 Započnite svoje plesno putovanje ovog vikenda!
Prijave na: https://forms.gle/mLQrVQ1T1kewK7ST9
*** Prijava obavezna *** Imamo ograničen broj prijava po grupi, kada se grupa popuni više se nećete moći pridružiti toj grupi.
💛 Prednosti ove radionice:
1️⃣ Intenzivno Učenje - Zaboravite na mjesece vježbanja! Naša radionica je dizajnirana da vas zaroni u svijet bachate, gdje ćete naučiti osnove bachate, ritam i korake brže nego ikad prije.
2️⃣ Vikend Format - Vaš tjedan je zauzet? Nema problema! Naša radionica je savršena za zaposlene pojedince. Posvetite samo jednu subotu i naučite plesati dovoljno da vidite da li je bachata za vas.
3️⃣ Upoznajte nove ljude i stvorite veze koje će trajati cijeli život! Naša radionica je puna energije, zabave i druženja.
4️⃣ Fokusirani Kurikulum - Zaronite duboko u tehniku bachate s našim specijaliziranim programom koji vam omogućuje da savladate ples u rekordnom roku.
5️⃣ Ekonomičnost - Uštedite ne samo vrijeme već i novac! Naša vikend radionica nudi izvanrednu vrijednost i napredak koji se može usporediti s tjednima učenja.
🎶 Ne propustite ovu fantastičnu priliku da naučite plesati bachatu u opuštenoj, prijateljskoj atmosferi s vrhunskim instruktorima.
💙💖 VAŠI INSTRUKTORI: Roberto & Monika
💙 Roberto Mesir, osnivač plesne škole Bachata Inspire, cijenjeni je instruktor već više od sedam godina. Razvio je jedinstveni profesionalni program za senzualnu bachatu, s naglaskom na tehniku, muzikalnost i pružanje jasne strukture za napredak učenika u ovom plesnom obliku.
S bogatim iskustvom u podučavanju koje obuhvaća cijeli svijet, Roberto je svoje znanje bachate prenosio na brojnim međunarodnim plesnim festivalima i radionicama, od Tajlanda, Vijetnama i Australije do Mađarske, Slovenije, Srbije, Austrije i Hrvatske.
Prije nego što se posvetio plesu, Roberto je osam godina bio glazbeni producent. Ovo iskustvo mu pruža jedinstvenu perspektivu, spajajući ples i glazbu u skladnu cjelinu. Posebno je zaslužan za uvođenje senzualne bachate u Zagreb. Njegovim neumornim radom, stvorio je cvjetajuću zajednicu bachate, obilježenu redovitim plesnim tečajevima, radionicama i partijima.
💖 Monika Babić, čije se plesno putovanje razvija u ritmu bachate, već dvije godine je ključni član plesne škole Bachata Inspire. Svoju strast prema plesu podijelila je s mnogima, vodeći radionice s Robertom Mesir, kako u egzotičnom Tajlandu, tako i u srcu Hrvatske te u plesnim dvoranama Austrije. Njezina ljubav prema bachati ne poznaje granice; Monika je redoviti sudionik na plesnim festivalima i partijima, gdje ne samo da pleše, već i inspirira plesnu zajednicu svojom predanošću i energijom koju unosi u svaki pokret. Njezina prisutnost na plesnom podiju je magnet za oči, a njezina tehnika i izražajnost u bachati su odraz istinske posvećenosti ovom senzualnom plesu.
22.03. Subota od 15 do 18h
+ Besplatan ulaz na bachata party (uskoro info)
🔥 Ovakav tempo vam garantira ekstra brzo učenje bachata, veliki napredak u kratkome roku i upoznavanje hrpu novih ljudi.
* Ne treba ti partner, niti prijašnje plesno iskustvo, samo dobra volja i želja za plesom . Mi ćemo se pobrinuti da bude isti broj dečki i cura. Sve što ti trebaš je ispuniti prijavnicu i doći uživati 😉.
➡ SOLO PRIJAVE: 19€ za sve uplate do 18.03. te 29€ nakon
➡ PRIJAVE U PARU: 29€ za par za sve uplate do 18.03. te 39€ nakon
🏠 LOKACIJA: Beleza bar,
Ulica Grge Tuškana 37, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
🚗 PARKING: Ima puno parkinga u blizi bara
🚗 NAJBLIŽA GARAŽA Martićeva ul. 69: na Kvatriću 5 min pješice https://maps.app.goo.gl/fmUh7D1kf3QjuW3TA
👉 Rezervirajte svoje mjesto ODMAH i pripremite se za plesni vikend koji ćete pamtiti zauvijek! Prijava na https://forms.gle/mLQrVQ1T1kewK7ST9
*** Prijava obavezna *** Imamo ograničen broj prijava po grupi, kada se grupa popuni više se nećete moći pridružiti toj grupi.
Ne brinite, imamo grupu za vas. Ukoliko se odlučite nastaviti plesati bachatu dalje, pripremili smo grupu i termin za vas. Više o tome na radionicama.
Live, Dance, Inspire!
➡➡➡ ENGLISH ⬅⬅⬅
💕 Learn to Dance Bachata in 3 Hours / 22.03. 💕 Beleza Bar
💃 Have you always wanted to discover the magic of bachata but never had the time for months of learning? 🕺
🎉 Join us for an exclusive weekend bachata workshop for beginners and ignite your passion for dance in just one weekend!
🌟 Start your dance journey this weekend!
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/mLQrVQ1T1kewK7ST9
Registration is mandatory. We have a limited number of spots per group—once the group is full, no more registrations will be accepted.
💛 Why join this workshop?
1️⃣ Intensive Learning – Forget months of practice! Our workshop is designed to immerse you in the world of bachata, helping you master the basics, rhythm, and steps faster than ever.
2️⃣ Weekend Format – Busy weekdays? No problem! Our workshop is perfect for busy individuals. Dedicate just one Saturday and learn enough to see if bachata is for you.
3️⃣ Meet New People – Make connections that will last a lifetime! Our workshop is full of energy, fun, and socializing.
4️⃣ Focused Curriculum – Dive deep into bachata technique with our specialized program that ensures you progress in record time.
5️⃣ Affordable & Efficient – Save not only time but also money! Our weekend workshop offers exceptional value and progress comparable to weeks of regular classes.
🎶 Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn bachata in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere with top instructors!
💙💖 YOUR INSTRUCTORS: Roberto & Monika
💙 Roberto Mesir, founder of the dance school Bachata Inspire, has been a respected instructor for over seven years. He developed a unique professional program for sensual bachata, emphasizing technique, musicality, and a clear structure for student progress.
With extensive teaching experience worldwide, Roberto has shared his bachata expertise at numerous international dance festivals and workshops, from Thailand, Vietnam, and Australia to Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Austria, and Croatia.
Before dedicating himself to dance, Roberto was a music producer for eight years. This background gives him a unique perspective, blending dance and music into a harmonious experience. He is particularly credited with introducing sensual bachata to Zagreb, where his hard work has built a thriving bachata community with regular classes, workshops, and parties.
💖 Monika Babić has been a key member of Bachata Inspire for two years. She has shared her passion for dance by leading workshops with Roberto Mesir in exotic Thailand, the heart of Croatia, and dance studios in Austria.
Her love for bachata knows no bounds—Monika is a regular at dance festivals and parties, where she not only dances but also inspires the community with her dedication and energy. Her presence on the dance floor is captivating, and her technique and expressiveness in bachata reflect her deep commitment to this sensual dance.
🗓 Saturday, 22.03. from 15:00 to 18:00
🎉 + Free entry to the bachata party (details coming soon)
🔥 This format guarantees ultra-fast learning, significant progress in a short time, and the chance to meet lots of new people!
No partner needed, no prior dance experience required—just bring a good mood and a desire to dance! We ensure a balanced ratio of leaders and followers. Just fill out the form and come enjoy 😉.
➡ SOLO REGISTRATION: €19 for payments before 18.03., €29 after.
➡ COUPLE REGISTRATION: €29 per couple for payments before 18.03., €39 after.
🏠 LOCATION: Beleza Bar,
📍 Ulica Grge Tuškana 37, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Ulica Grge Tuškana 37, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
🚗 PARKING: Plenty of parking spaces near the bar.
🚗 Nearest Garage: Martićeva ul. 69 (Kvatrić), 5 min walk.
👉 Reserve your spot NOW and get ready for a dance weekend you'll never forget!
📌 Register here: https://forms.gle/mLQrVQ1T1kewK7ST9
Registration is mandatory. Spots are limited, and once a group is full, no more registrations will be accepted.
No worries, we have a group for you! If you decide to continue dancing bachata, we have a dedicated group and schedule ready for you. More details will be shared during the workshop.
✨ Live, Dance, Inspire! ✨

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Beleza Brazilian Bar, Müller, Ulica Grge Tuškana, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, Croatia


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