A half hour animated film based on the classic picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler.The Gruffalo tells the magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk though the woods in search of a nut. Encountering three predators who all wish to eat him
– a fox, an owl and a snake.
The plucky Mouse has to use his wits to survive. He announces that he is meeting a monster with terrible features, a ‘Gruffalo’, and the three predators are each panicked into running away. Mouse is now increasingly confident. There is nothing that can touch him in these woods. Until he rounds a corner and comes face to face with the terrible product of his imagination: the Gruffalo itself. Once again Mouse has to dig deep to escape the danger. Finally, he finds a nut, and can eat it in peace.
📅 Dates & Time
Sunday 29th December 2024 at 11am
Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 11am
📍 Spazju Kreattiv Cinema, Valletta
🎟️ €8/€5 or €10 (for both Adult and Child)
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Spazju Kreattiv Cinema, St James Cavalier,Valletta, Malta