永續藝術講座 V :《高天恩 ── 從「此時.那刻」 及「Crated Memories」到沙瀝角落公共藝術作品: 介紹高天恩的藝術創作歷程 》

Sun Aug 01 2021 at 02:00 pm to 04:00 pm

沙瀝角落 Sha Lek Corner | Tai Po

Artists Co-op
Publisher/HostArtists Co-op
\u6c38\u7e8c\u85dd\u8853\u8b1b\u5ea7 V :\u300a\u9ad8\u5929\u6069 \u2500\u2500  \u5f9e\u300c\u6b64\u6642.\u90a3\u523b\u300d  \u53ca\u300cCrated Memories\u300d\u5230\u6c99\u701d\u89d2\u843d\u516c\u5171\u85dd\u8853\u4f5c\u54c1: \u4ecb\u7d39\u9ad8\u5929\u6069\u7684\u85dd\u8853\u5275\u4f5c\u6b77\u7a0b \u300b
永續藝術講座 V :《高天恩 ── 從「此時.那刻」 及「Crated Memories」到沙瀝角落公共藝術作品: 介紹高天恩的藝術創作歷程 》
日期: 2021.08.01 (日)
時間: 下午 2:00 - 4:00
地點: 沙瀝角落 (新界沙田圍路38號)
* 座位數量有限,先登記先得,額滿即止。亦可用Zoom網上參與,需預先登記。

永續藝術講座的第五講由永續藝術基地的駐場藝術家高天恩會分享她對於記憶作為創作主題的研究和藝術應用。從過去「此時.那刻」和「Crated Memories」作品中,她試圖讓個人記憶和家庭故事以再現的形式,在文化層面上呈現永續的意念。 對她來說,可持續性的藝術形態意味著歷史和過去可以在更長時間持續停留於我們的生命中。在面對價值觀、歷史經驗、知識和美學的反思中,記憶不會太遙遠,也不會只留於過去,過去的生活方式和物品雖然經常被收起來,卻同時以「新」的形式呈現。 在高天恩的作品中,家族故事和歷史是創作的大方向,並將記憶成為一種可持續的文化本質。

畢業於美國加州州立長堤大學,並在香港大學獲得文學和文化研究碩士學位。 她是第一個將美國南加州社區公共壁畫概念及技術引進香港的藝術家,過去曾領導多個公共壁畫項目和學校教育壁畫項目,2008 年獲邀為香港嶺南大學駐場藝術家,目前是永續藝術基地的駐場藝術家。其作品現被香港藝術館及私人收藏家所收藏。

ARTISTS CO-OP為本地非牟利藝術團體,於2016年由一些火炭的藝術家自主成立。致力促進和支援本地藝術家持續創作,盡情發揮天分。在藝術社群和多個資助機構的大力支持下,我們在沙田圍的沙瀝角落建立了「永續藝術基地」,為推動永續藝術和社會可持續發展提供平臺,播下永續藝術的種子。



Artists Co-op
地址: 沙田沙田圍路38號
電郵查詢: [email protected]
臉書: ArtistsCoopHK
[English text is appended below]
Sustainability Art Talk V - “Celia Ko, From "That Moment Now", "Crated Memories" to Sha Lek Corner Public Art piece: An Introduction of Celia Ko's Art-making”
Programme Detail
Date: 2021.08.01 (Sun)
Time: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Venue: Sha Lek Corner (38 Sha Tin Wai Road, Sha Tin)
Free of Charge
*Seats are limited and will be allocated on a first-register, first-served basis. Online via Zoom with pre-registration
The talk will mainly be conducted in Cantonese. Summarised English transcription is available via the chat room function in Zoom.
Registration link:https://bit.ly/3wREl0j

In the fifth session of the Sustainability Art Talk series, our artist in residence at Sustainability Art Hub, Celia Ko, will share her unique research and artistic employment on the theme of memory as a tool for sustainability art. In her previous works "That Moment Now" and "Crated Memories", Celia tried to keep every discovered personal memory and family story fresh in a form of cultural sustainability. Sustainability, to her, could mean for something to continue for a longer period of time. Although bygone ways of living and old objects are often put away, they still emerge in new ways when we are doing personal and collective reflections on values, experiences, knowledge, and aesthetics. Hence, memory is not necessarily distanced nor merely depicting an older time. In Celia’s practice, family stories and history are being revealed and memory has been elevated to a sustainable cultural essence.

Celia Ko
Graduated from California State University, earned her MA in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. She is a pioneer in community mural painting in Hong Kong. She was invited as an artist-in-residence at Lingnan University in fall 2008, and is now one of the artists in residence at Sustainability Art Hub. Her work is collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and private collectors.


ARTISTS CO-OP is a non-profit art organization founded in 2016 by some artists in Fotan, with a view to supporting artists in the continuous pursuit of art creation and unleashing their creative potentials fully. With the enduring support of the art community and various funders and authorities, Artists Co-op has set up the Sustainability Art Hub at Sha Lek Corner to provide a platform for developing and promoting sustainability art and sustainable art practice.
‘Sustainability Art Talk’ is one of Artists Co-op's SUSTAINABILITY ART HUB programmes. The SUSTAINABILITY ART HUB is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The content of this program does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Artists Co-op
Address: 38 Sha Tin Wai Rd, Sha Tin, N.T.
Email inquiries: [email protected]
Facebook: ArtistsCoopHK

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

沙瀝角落 Sha Lek Corner, Tai Po, Hong Kong (sar)


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