悍圖行動 悍圖社 2021 The Hantoo Movement 2021*Scroll down for the English version.
開幕|12.25(六) 17:00
座談|2022.01.08(六) 14:30 – 16:00
與談人|台新銀行文化藝術基金會董事長 鄭家鐘
1998年成立以來,悍圖社每年均舉辦個展或聯展,就團體身份或個人創作而言,都在臺灣藝壇上擁有強勁的力度和影響。2017年悍圖社於國美館盛大辦理了「硬蕊 / 悍圖」一展;2018年在關渡美術館的 「搏擊俱樂部——悍圖20年」;及臺東美術館「悍圖20週年 –有山丘的地方」;2020年則回到七年前曾一同征戰過的主場福利社FreeS Art Space舉辦 「+1黛 OldWays, Young」;今年2021是屏東美術館的「劃天光」。
80年代臺灣解嚴前後,悍圖社經歷了數個年代的社會、經濟、政治環境的巨變,象徵了80年代至今,四十餘年臺灣當代藝術面貌的革新與流變。悍圖社這塊大招牌,在臺灣各大美術館及展覽空間層出不窮。作為出生年齡貫穿 1950-70年代的藝術團體,透過展覽,梳理了許多議題:「臺灣主體性」、「殖民文化」、「人文價值」、「現實環境」的反思、「媒體訊息」的挪移與真假等⋯⋯
悍圖社在國際當代藝術動盪的社會發展之時,面對自身國家過往殖民思想的遺留,及戒嚴時期思想的箝制,無法自由發言, 選擇透過各種怪異、隱喻的混種,批判來自底層的現實。他們在被壓迫的過往裡挑戰威權,以干擾或挑釁的行動,作為現實的平衡拉鋸,凝聚出的張力在一種幻滅的背景下誕生,它成為某種未來的想望,或試圖逃逸的精神出口,透過藝術某種在場或缺席折射出原初人類的反叛精神。
唯有透過行動者身體性的實踐,進行交流、整合方能找出對話的可能。如同1998年成立時的第一場展覽「悍圖錄」裡曾說:「藝術是可以認識的東西」,如今將「『悍圖』作為一種行動」去指稱時 ,或許可以重新理解現在的悍圖社。
「『悍圖』作為一種行動」,不再只是追求普世性,或同一性的暴力反抗 ,而是將敏感纖細,且多樣的創作感受放大,將時間拉長作為抵抗產生意義,同時抛躑出一個在龐雜的歷史軸線下,所有議題/族群皆均等的想像, 創造一個屬於社會場域的異質性空間。
The Hantoo Movement 2021
Curator|LIN Yu-Chin
Co-curator|HUANG Ding-Jun
Artists|YANG Mao-Lin, WU Tien-Chang, LU Hsien-Ming, KUO Wei-Kuo, LEE Min-Jong, LIEN Chien-Hsing, Yang Jen-Ming, LAI Hsin-Lung, TANG Tang-Fa, TU Wei-Cheng, DENG Wen-Jen, CHANG Ling, CHEN Ching-Yao
Dates|Dec 25, 2021 – Jan 22, 2022
Opening|Dec 25 (17:00)
Discussion|Jan 8 (14:30 – 16:00)
Guest|Simon CHENG
Hantoo Art Group has been hosting solo or collective exhibitions since its establishment in 1998, which posed a great impact on Taiwanese art community. In 2017, Hantoo’s HARDCORD RALLY with Hantoo Art Group in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In 2018, Fight Club-Hantoo 20th in Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, and Poson in Taitung Art Museum. In 2020, Hantoo went back to where it started, FreeS Art Space, to put up OldWays, Young Hantoo 2020. This year, we shall see Hantoo 2021: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining in Pingtung Art Museum.
Hantoo has been through the great shift of our social, economic, and political landscape in the 1990s, when martial law was lifted, carrying the revolutionary energy and four decades of memories. The name, Hantoo hence emerges in every single art museum, art gallery and exhibition space. As an art group whose members are born across 1950-1970, Hantoo draws public attention through their issue-based collection of works, addressing our own subjectivity, local post-colonialism, humanity, reflections on environment and human beings, fake news, and reality, and so on.
Its members, facing the colonel impact and the speech restriction, spoke not but denounce the authority with metaphors in artworks during period of Martial Law, and the provocative messages within pile up to be strength. It eventually becomes a vision, or an exit for thoughts, mirroring the original revolt nature of human race.
Only through the practice of body and art could we see the possibility of communication and integration. Just as it is stated in its very first exposition Hantoo Art Group Major Exhibition, “Art is something we could learn to appreciate.” When we are trying to interpret Hantoo as a long-term art movement, we could probably grasp a better sense of what Hantoo really is today.
Hantoo, as a movement, goes not only for a universal purpose or a general rebellion, but it amplifies the diversity and sensitivity to create meanings. At meanwhile, it proposes a social space, in which an imagination of every person or social issue being equally seen and valued is possible.
Incidents, so to speak past expositions, which used to serve as tipping points, would stop generating meaning or promoting conversations. “Hantoo, as the occurring revolution,” catches the historical moment and social change in the rather raw, subjective, and divergent way. It would eventually shake up the dominant norm with its lively cultural vitality– the everlasting Hantoo Movement.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
福利社 FreeS Art Space, 中山區新生北路三段82號B1, Taipei, Taiwan