共鳴般若:心經與Nokyo唱誦 台北一日工作坊 Heart Sutra and Nokyo Reciting

Fri Oct 25 2024 at 10:00 am to 06:00 pm UTC+08:00

台北市士林區至善路三段 | Taipei

Mark van Tongeren
Publisher/HostMark van Tongeren
\u5171\u9cf4\u822c\u82e5\uff1a\u5fc3\u7d93\u8207Nokyo\u5531\u8aa6 \u53f0\u5317\u4e00\u65e5\u5de5\u4f5c\u574a  Heart Sutra and Nokyo Reciting
– – For English scroll down – –

Heart Sutra and Nokyo Reciting
a modern way to receive the blessings of reciting


Mark 談他的Nokyo’s:

「一年前,Mark van Tongeren 來到我們學校,給我們進行泛音唱法的實踐介紹。一天結束時,他為我們的學校介紹了一個Nokyo,供我們吟誦。在去年秋天的葡萄牙僻靜營,我們探索了這個Nokyo。當大家作為一個團體一起吟誦時,可以聽到層次分明的聲音合而為一,形成一種空間感的體驗。此外,也有許多個體層次的經驗。例如,它會促使身體釋放緊張感,特別是在喉嚨後方沿著脊椎的部位。對於那些不習慣唱歌、平時只是用聲音進行日常溝通和分享訊息的人來說,這是一個非常寶貴的機會,可以遠離常規、發現自己獨特的聲音,並作為一種與手臂和手的動作密切相連的表達方式,因此也與肩頸有關聯。」

2024年10月25日 10:00-18:00
10:00 - 10:15 抵達
10:15 - 11:15. 暖身、聲身共鳴練習
11:15 - 12:15. 心經與Nokyo唱誦 I: 如何讀或念誦Nokyo?
12.15 – 13.45 午餐時間
13:45 – 16:00 熱身,Nokyo唱誦 II:「365 函節奏」
16:00 - 16:30 點心時間
16:30 – 18:00 Nokyo唱誦 III:其他詮釋方法&咒語創造
Ramo Ramo (位於台北士林)
Rama Ramo 是一個非常棒的靜謐之地,俯瞰著無盡的陽明山森林。這個地方自然而然地將你帶回到內心更為寧靜的部分,正是我們通過唱誦所追尋的狀態。若天氣許可,我們會步行到附近的溫泉,在流水旁一起練習唱誦!



Mark van Tongeren 是一位聲音探索者,對藝術、科學和靜修傳統的交互作用有著深厚的興趣。Mark 在戲劇、音樂和舞蹈製作領域擁有超過30年的經驗,並擁有萊頓大學創意與表演藝術學院的博士學位。他練習瑜伽已有約25年,並在大約12年前創立了一種結合藝術表演工具的瑜伽形式。自少年時期以來,他便開始嘗試、研究並參與多種聲音、音樂和表演實踐,並不斷擴展他的「聲音詞彙」。對他音樂和思想影響深遠的是多媒體藝術家 Michael Vetter(1943-2013),Vetter 曾在日本擔任多年禪僧。1990年代初,Mark 開始接觸 Vetter 對日本經文(「okyo」)誦經的激進重新詮釋。



報名、詢問工作坊詳情,歡迎聯繫惜音 [email protected]

早鳥優惠 / 75折:4500元 (截止日期:9月29日,星期日)
提前報名 / 9折:5400元 (截止日期:10月18日,星期五)
TOSA會員 / 85折:5100元
學生;經濟方面需要支持的藝術家(需提供證明) / 75折:4500元(截止日期:9月29日)
雙人報名 / 95折:每人5700元
- 含約20篇Nokyo的小冊,您可以帶回家練習。
- 點心
- 如果您希望提前到達,我們可在約9:30提供從士林捷運站接送服務。
- 午餐
- 附近沒有餐館,所以請大家自備食物;現場有簡單的廚房可供使用。您可以帶上自己的食物,或帶一些與大家分享。

請以Line、Email 擇一聯繫惜音
---LINE ID: hsiyinchang
----Email:[email protected]



1) 工作坊可能會有劇烈肢體運動,引起身體跟心理的衝擊。
2) 工作坊中的每項活動都不是強制性的,你必須衡量自身狀況(身體/心理/情緒)來決定要不要參與。
3) 你會對自己的身體及心理狀態負責,主辦方不承擔任何相關的傷害、損失及賠償責任。

Mark about his nokyo’s:
Almost every day since the end of 2022 I write a nokyo, which is derived from Japanese okyo’s, or sutra’s. The Heart Sutra is by far the most famous example of an okyo. These recitations activate body-mind in many ways: they resonate, regulate the breathing following all kinds of rhythmic patterns, and gradually sink down deeper into our being. Some are challenging and fast, others extremely slow: as if you put a prism around your voice to hear, to see and to feel all its colours.

During one day you get to know the wholesome effect of reciting, singing-speaking and chanting, without having to worry if the texts fit into your religious convictions or not. Meanings arise on a non-discursive level or are simply not relevant anymore. There is much space for getting to know embodied knowledge and non-duality.

In the morning we prepare body, mind and voice with gentle exercises. We awaken our senses and soften the channels that are rigid or blocked. Gradually we put the voice and energies of vibration centre stage. From there we start exploring the written nokyo’s: you receive a small workbook with a selection of nokyo’s (included in the workshop). We will start with some very easy nokyo’s and gradually discover more possibilities. By the end of the day you have a good grasp of many of the basic procedures or Mark’s nokyo reciting. We finish by making small groups and chosing nokyo’s that you select yourself.

Nokyo chanting has been introduced to several schools of practitioners, who find it a very useful expansion into the sonic realm of their body-mind pratices. One workshop hostess described the experience as follows:

One year ago Mark van Tongeren visited the school to give a practical introduction on overtone singing. At the end of the day he presented our school an Okyo for chanting. This Okyo we explored in chanting during the retreat in Portugal last Autumn. There was the spatial experience in chanting, hearing the layers of sound unified when chanting as a group. And there were many more individual experiences. Like how it provokes in the body a release of tension specially from the back of the throat along the spine. Or for those not used to singing and using the voice other than for daily communication and sharing of information it was very valuable to discover the own unique voice free from conventions and as a means of expression closely connected to the hands and arm movements, and therefor also the neck and shoulders.

Friday October 25
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 - 10:15 arrival
10:15 - 11:15 warming up, vocal-body resonance
11:15 - 12:15 Heart Sutra & Nokyo Chanting Part I: How to Read or Recite Nokyos?
12.15 – 13.45 lunch break
13:45 – 16:00 Warmup; Nokyo Chanting Part II: the ‘365 Algorhythms’
16:00 - 16:30 tea time
16:30 – 18:00 Nokyo Chanting Part III: other interpretations & creations.
At Rama Ramo, Shiling, Taipei
Rama Ramo is a fantastic quiet place overlooking endless Yangmingshan forests. It naturally brings you back to the serener part of self that we seek with our chanting. If weather allows, we can go to a spring nearby at walking distance and practise some of our recitations next to the flowing water!

No restrictions

English + Chinese

Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer with a deep interest in the synergy of arts, sciences and contemplative traditions. Mark has over 30 years of experience in theatre, music and dance productions and holds a PhD from Leiden University’s Academy of Creative and Performing Arts. He practices yoga for some 25 years, created a form of yoga that integrates artistic-performative tools about 12 years ago. He has played and experimented with and studied numerous kinds of voice / music & performance practices since he was a teenager and continues to expand his ‘voca-bulary’. A great influence on his music and thinking was multi-medial artist Michael Vetter (1943-2013), who spend many years as a Zen monk in Japan. In the early 1990s Mark became acquainted with Vetter’s radical reinterprations of Japanese sutra (‘okyo’) recitations.

This workshop is also brought to you by interpreter and co-organiser Chi Chen Lee, who interprets for sound workshops and is inspired by sound to continue the exploration; by administrative assistant Hsi-Yin Chang, who is also a sound and wellness practitioner, with an interest in singing and creating music.
▲ For any questions about the contents and registration, please contact Hsi Yin (speaks Chinese and English):
Email: [email protected]
Line ID: hsiyinchang

Full price: 6000
Early Bird / 25% off: 4500 (last day: Sunday September 29)
Advance registration / 10% off: 5400 (last day: Friday October 18)
TOSA members / 15% off: 5100
Students & poor struggling artist (all with proof) / 25% off (until September 29): 4500
Bring a friend / 5% off: 5700 per person

Workbook with about 20 nokyo’s that you can take home to practise
For those wishing to arrive early we can offer a ride from the nearest MRT station at around 9:30.
Not included:
There are no eateries nearby, so everyone can bring something to eat ; a simple kitchen is available. Please bring your own or bring something to share in the potlatch.
Sign up through this form: https://form.jotform.com/242612129392353
Make a transfer within 3 days and contact Hsi-Yin via email ([email protected])
We will confirm with you within 5 working days that you have completed the registration!

Please make the transfer to:
Bank code: 822.
Name of bank: China Trust
Beneficiary: Mark Christiaan van Tongeren
Account number: 163540306745

We try to keep prices reasonable. We will return 90% of the fee if you cancel 31 - 60 days prior to the workshop. We will return 50% of the fee if you cancel 30 - 15 days prior to the workshop. We will return 20% of the fee if you cancel within 14 days prior to the workshop. If you find a substitute for your place, we will only keep 10% of the administration fee.

Get in touch with one of us!

By signing up you automatically acknowledge your understanding that this workshop may involve potentially disrupting body-work and emotionally charged sessions with a deep impact on your well-being. It is understood that you yourself best know of any risks (physical, emotional, psychological) and that there is no pressure or obligation to do each and every exercise.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

台北市士林區至善路三段, Taipei, Taiwan

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