《鉛起——澳門慈幼孤兒院印刷館 文檔展》 “Typography & Mission”: Imprimerie de L'Orphelinat Salésien Document Exhibition

Sat, 15 Mar, 2025 at 11:00 am UTC+08:00

澳門得勝斜路55號地下 Calçada da Vitória No.55, RC, Macau 、 999078 Macau, Macau | Macau

\u6fb3\u9580\u7d10\u66fc\u6a1e\u6a5f\u85dd\u6587\u9928 CCCN Macau
Publisher/Host澳門紐曼樞機藝文館 CCCN Macau
\u300a\u925b\u8d77\u2014\u2014\u6fb3\u9580\u6148\u5e7c\u5b64\u5152\u9662\u5370\u5237\u9928 \u6587\u6a94\u5c55\u300b \u201cTypography & Mission\u201d: Imprimerie de L'Orphelinat Sal\u00e9sien Document Exhibition
Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of CCCN Macau
《鉛起——澳門慈幼孤兒院印刷館》 文檔展
“Typography & Mission”: Imprimerie de L'Orphelinat Salésien Document Exhibition

澳門慈幼孤兒院印刷館是本地天主教的印刷所,孤兒院是由意大利籍的雷鳴道神父於1906年(Fr. Luigi Versiglia) 設立,為慈幼會在東亞區的第一座會院。其後更提升為無原罪工藝學校,提供排字、印刷、釘裝等與印刷業相關的課程,它的創立是為了讓當時本地的男性孤兒學習一技之長賴以為生,學校主要承印教會的報紙和刊物,且後來發展出印書局,為當時教育事業、印刷工藝的發展、文化傳播作出了重大的貢獻,亦為日後澳門官印局培育了很多印刷技工,在澳門印刷業擔當了一個重要搖藍的角色。
Imprimerie de L'Orphelinat Salésien (also known as “Orphanage of the Immaculate Conception Printing Press”) was a local Printing press owned by a Religious Order. In 1906, “Orphanage of the Immaculate Conception” was founded by an Italian Salesian of Don Bosco, Fr. Luigi Versiglia of which is the first Salesian House in East Asia. The Orphanage was later advanced into the “School of Arts and Crafts of the Immaculate Conception”, providing typesetting, printing, binding, and courses related to publishing. The school was established hoping to let male orphans to learn some practical skills for later livelihood. It took orders from local Catholic Church, ranging from newsletters, journals to novels, of which contributed significantly to professional education and the development of typography of Macau. The “School of Arts and Crafts of the Immaculate Conception” simultaneously act as the cradle for Macau printing industry as technologists who have been working in Macau Government Bureau graduated from the Salesian School of Arts.
Archives related to the development of Salesian (Orphanage) Printing Press in Macau, including books, journals of remembrance, documentations, postcards, newspaper articles, and movable types back at old days etc. will be exhibited to let the public get to know about the history and stories of the Printing Press.
| 開幕日期 Opening Ceremony |
2025.03.15 週六 下午3時 (Sat 3:00 p.m.)
| 展覽日期 Exhibition Period |
2025.03.16 – 2025.05.04
| 開放時間 Opening Hours |
10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:00(週一及公眾假期休館 Closes on Mondays and Public Holidays)
| 展覽地點 Venue |
CCCN MACAU - Exhibition Hall
Free Admission
|公眾導賞專場 Public guided tour sessions|
逢周六 11:00 - 11:30 及15:00 - 15:30 將有導賞人員為觀眾介紹展覽。歡迎個人即場報名, 或團體預約報名
Guide Tour will be on every Saturday 11:00 - 11:30 and 15:00 - 15:30. Individuals can register on-site, or reservations for groups are preferable to make a reservation in advance.
| 預約團體導賞服務 Guided Tour Service (By Appointment) |
| 主辦 Organizer |
澳門紐曼樞機藝文館 CCCN MACAU
澳門教區演藝文協會 ADAPEC MACAU
| 協辦 Co-organizer |
澳門慈幼中學校史學會 Instituto Salesiano Archives Association
歐氏家族 Au’s Family
| 鳴謝 Acknowledgments |
區華年先生 Mr. Ao Wah Nien Pedro
馮鏡源先生 Mr. Fong Kiang Iun
高卓林先生 Mr. Kou Cheok Lam
皓廉先生 Mr. HOU-LIM
天主教澳門教區歷史檔案及文物處 Arquivos Históricos Departamento Diocesano de Arquivos Históricos e Património Cultural (DDAHPC)
主教座堂堂區 Sé Catedral Macau
查詢 Enquiries:(853) 2870 3076 / WhatsApp: (853) 6668 4891
電郵 Email:[email protected]

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

澳門得勝斜路55號地下 Calçada da Vitória No.55, RC, Macau 、 999078 Macau, Macau, Macao

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