Nepozabni hiti 90’ in 00’ s posebnimi gosti.ft. DJ Matteo Kunst & DJ Matthew Z
+ Miran Rudan
+ Sebastian
+ Frenk Nova & Iris Ošlaj (Sopranos, ex-Babilon)
Nepozabni hiti naše in vaše mladosti z vonjem kuhančka in okusom medenjakov vas bodo zapeljali v čase, ko se je glasba poslušala na kasetah in cedejih, ko se je gledalo MTV ter Vivo TV in ko so bile najstniške sobe obvezno polepljene s posterji iz Brava in Pila. Matteo Kunst in Matthew Z vas bosta popeljala nazaj v zlata leta slovenskih diskotek, ko so se enonočne avanture in nesmrtne ljubezni rojevale na in ob plesišču, glede na datum pa bosta program izdatno zabelila z božičnimi klasikami. Da pa bo žur res tak, kot se spodobi, bodo tokratno zabavo Children of the 90’s z živimi nastopi popestrili Miran Rudan, Sebastian, Frenk Nova in Iris Ošlaj s hiti skupine Babilon in decembrskimi klasikami.
Unforgettable hits from the 90' and 00' with special guests.
ft. DJ Matteo Kunst & DJ Matthew Z
+ Miran Rudan
+ Sebastian
+ Frenk Nova & Iris Ošlaj (Sopranos, ex-Babilon)
The unforgettable hits of our youth and yours, with the smell of mulled wine and the taste of gingerbread, will take you back to the days when music was played on cassettes and cedes, MTV and Vivo TV were watched, and teenage rooms were obligatorily plastered with posters from Bravo and Pila. Matteo Kunst and Matthew Z will take you back to the golden years of Slovenian discos, when one-night adventures and undying loves were born on and by the dance floor, and depending on the date, they will fill the programme with Christmas classics. And to make sure the party is as it should be, this year's Children of the 90's party will be enlivened with live performances by Miran Rudan, Sebastian, Frenk Nova and Iris Ošlaj with hits by Babilon and December classics.
Vstop prost. Dogodek se bo fotografiral in snemal. 📸
Koncert poteka v sklopu prireditev blejske Zimske pravljice 2024/25. Celoten program dogodkov je na voljo tukaj ➡️
Free entry. The event will be photographed and filmed.
The concert is part of the Bled Winter Fairytale 2024/25 events. The full programme of events is available here ➡️
Organizator / Organiser:
Javni zavod Turizem Bled
�Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled�
T.: +386 (0)4 5780 500
�E.: [email protected]�
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Jezerska promenada // Lakeside Promenade, Trzic, Slovenia