Lutkovni muzikal Peter Klepec črpa svojo snov iz ljudske zgodbe o drobnem in šibkem fantu, ki zaradi svoje dobrote postane močan.
Peter Klepec odide s trebuhom za kruhom delat na kmetijo, kjer postane tarča močnejših in hudobnih vrstnikov, ki ga izkoriščajo. Peter se jim upre, čeprav je šibkejši. Gotovo bi jih skupil, a na njegovo srečo ga brani njegov prijatelj oven, ki se ga vsi bojijo. Vse skupaj postane še bolj napeto, ko se med Petrom in najbolj vročekrvnim dečkom na kmetiji vname boj za srce gospodarjeve hčere.
Predstava se ukvarja s temo izživljanja močnejšega nad šibkejšim, kar je žal prisotno tudi danes med otroki. Na koncu je dobrota nagrajena in škodoželjnost kaznovana, predstava pa govori tudi o čudežni moči ljubezni. Govori o srcu, ki je svobodno, da izbere tistega, ki ga ljubi, čeprav ga svet zaničuje.
Dinamična predstava z veliko glasbe traja 35 minut in je primerna za otroke od treh let dalje.
The puppet musical Peter Klepec draws its material from a folk story about a tiny and weak boy who, thanks to his kindness, becomes strong.
Peter Klepec goes to work on a farm with his belly full of bread, where he becomes a target for his more powerful and evil peers, who take advantage of him. Peter resists them, even though he is weaker. He would certainly have beaten them, but luckily for him, his friend the ram, whom everyone is afraid of, defends him. Things get even more tense when a fight for the heart of the landlord's daughter breaks out between Peter and the most hot-blooded boy on the farm.
The play deals with the theme of the stronger taking advantage of the weaker, which is sadly still present among children today. In the end, kindness is rewarded and harm is punished, and the play is also about the miraculous power of love. It speaks of a heart that is free to choose the one it loves, even though the world despises it.
This dynamic play with lots of music lasts 35 minutes and is suitable for children aged 3 and upwards.
Vstop prost. Dogodek se bo fotografiral in snemal. 📸
Dogodek poteka v sklopu prireditev blejske Zimske pravljice 2024/25. Celoten program dogodkov je na voljo tukaj ➡️
Free entry. The event will be photographed and filmed.
It’s a part of the Bled Winter Fairytale 2024/25. The full programme of events is available here ➡️
Organizator / Organiser:
Javni zavod Turizem Bled
�Ljubljanska cesta 27, 4260 Bled�
T.: +386 (0)4 5780 500
�E.: [email protected]�
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Jezerska promenada // Lakeside Promenade, Trzic, Slovenia