World Environment Expo 2025: International Exhibition & Conference Environment Energy Solar & Climate Change
World Environment Expo 2025: International Exhibition & Conference Environment Energy Solar & Climate Change is a b2b business platform that will bring together Indian and international environmental technology and equipment manufacturers and suppliers to showcase the very
best of technologies in the areas of environmental protection services renewable energy waste management sustainable buildings water management new innovations and energy efficiency. Exhibitors can display their innovations and technologies to prospective collaborators and policymakers and will be able to connect and network with fellow entrepreneurs.
The event will attract overseas exhibitors from America Germany Belgium France Japan
Korea Canada Sweden the Netherlands and other countries. The main aim of the expo is to
create awareness for the environment showcase use of technology for environment protection
research & development for new environmental protection technology and provide business
opportunities to environment technology and equipment manufacturers. The World Environment
Conference 2025 (WEC 25) themed around "Save Nature-Save Future" will be held on World Environment Day. The conference will provide an opportunity to discuss and debate technology in the environment policies in place and the road ahead.
WEC 25 would present a global networking opportunity with policy makers researchers
NGO's academicians industrialists and government agencies. The conference is expected to be attended by around 2000 top professionals from across vertical and segments. From the Environment & Allied Industry Entrepreneurs to Senior Purchase Professionals industry leaders and experts enterprise decision makers Central and State Government Departments PSUs Private Sector Companies Municipal Bodies Development Authorities environmental protection boards as well as environmental protection institutions from India and abroad. Some of the topics that the conference will focus on are environmental protection climate change carbon emissions green building smart cities sustainable development saving energy and natural resources. The Conference will provide an ideal opportunity to the Indian professional to interact with the expert of environment Industry.
For Booth Booking Sponsorship Opportunities & Other Enquiries :-
Contact Person : Gopal Krishna Pandey
Project Head
Contact Number : +91- 7042737523
Email Id: [email protected]
Event Venue
INDIA EXPO CENTRE & MART, Plot No. 23/25, 27/29, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306, India
INR 0.00