Chcete se zlepšit v improvizaci na djembe a redukovat stres ze sólování? Pak pro vás máme speciální workshop zaměřený přesně na tato témata!Workshop bude rozdělený na 2 bloky. Dopolední blok bude vedený v angličtině hudebnicí Roksan Mandel a bude zaměřený na obecnou improvizaci. Pomůže vám získat sebevědomí, zlepšit poslech ostatních hráčů ve skupině a osvojit si improvizační dovednosti.
Odpolední blok bude vedený Tomášem Oplatkem a bude zaměřený na sólovou hru na djembe. Vysvětlíme si hraní sól jak tradičních, tak svých vlastních a budete tak moct zužitkovat zkušenosti z dopoledního bloku. Mezi bloky bude hodinová pauza na oběd.
Pro účast na workshopu je nutné znát základní údery na djembe a mít alespoň roční zkušenost s bubnováním na africké bubny.
💶 Cena za oba bloky: 900 Kč
📅 Termín 9. 3. 2025
⏰ Čas: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:00
📝 Přihlášky: [email protected]
Detailní informace o workshopu volné improvizace v angličtině:
Roksan is going to be leading a music improv workshop designed for anyone who is curious to explore their instruments from a new perspective! The workshops aim to help you build confidence on stage, become a better listener in a group setting, and learn improvisational skills that you can use not just in music but anywhere you go in life.
What is free improvisation?
It’s a form of musical expression where performers create music without relying on any traditional structure or compositions, rather focusing on exploring and collaborating with one another.
In these workshops, Roksan will be guiding us through a series of exercises using both our bodies and our instruments. The sessions will include various activities, including instrumental and non-instrumental exercises designed to enhance our familiarity with our instruments and ourselves. Through non-instrumental exercises that use mostly our bodies and natural sounds, we will become more comfortable in our own skin, around each other, and step out of our comfort zones. This approach will continue throughout the workshop, extending to our instruments where we will continue to play and explore.
More about Roksan:
Roksan is a Turkish keyboard player and a singer/songwriter based in Prague. Her journey with free-improvisation started in 2014 in Boston, MA where she became a four year member of an improvisation ensemble.
When she moved to Prague in 2018 she immediately found herself improvising in poetry nights, performance events and jam sessions. She started her first Improv Workshops in 2021 and continues to teach classes every other month.
You can check out Roksan’s previous workshops on her instagram account: @roksanmandel
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Dancers' Club, Hartigova 929/19, 130 00 Praha, Česko,Prague, Czech Republic