WOLVERHAMPTON Private Cacao Ceremony (for up to 3 people)

Sat Apr 27 2024 at 06:00 pm to Sat May 25 2024 at 08:00 pm UTC+00:00

Rectory house | Wolverhampton

Pixie Nelan
Publisher/HostPixie Nelan
WOLVERHAMPTON Private Cacao Ceremony (for up to 3 people)

Private Cacao Ceremony with Pixie is open for: Healers, Lightworkers, & Starseeds.


  • A fresh warm cup of Peruvian ceremonial grade Cacao
  • Icaros (Indigenous medicine songs tailored to your soul's unique journey)
  • An unforgettable expansive heart & mind - opening experience!!

Claim your space in ceremony & develop full trust in:

  • Who you're Becoming
  • Birthing your Creations
  • Sharing your unique Wisdom
  • & Finding Calm/Bliss/Peace/Love/Joy/!!!

*** Through a guided journey you will explore the power of Ceremonial Cacao as a tool for Self-Discovery & receiving Intuitive Insights. 

Pixie a Psychic Coach 

will be Guiding You.

Here's what previous Ceremonial Cacao attendees have shared:

❤️‍ "It left me feeling exhilarated I slept well and the feeling of having lots of energy has stayed with me. I thoroughly enjoyed the safe space to open up a side of myself I am very shy to share. I came on Friday without expectation so was open to whatever happened. I enjoyed the meditation the openness it created in me & the way the universe decided to speak to me that evening. Since then I have been carrying a pleasant light with me & feel quite in tune to things around me. I am keenly aware of how the message shared was that I need to be less guarded & be more open to others."

❤️‍ "The ceremony didn’t disappoint. I saw things that I could never imagine. Everything was visible to me as if I was watching a movie at the cinemas. I felt extremely blessed after the ceremony as if my questions where clearly answered. And I still feel very happy and excited now. My biggest shift would be crying tears of laughter. I feel like I can relive every moment of the ceremony as I can still see everything so clearly. Super excited for the next chapter"

❤️‍ "During the ceremony I felt as if I was able to open myself up and allow emotions to surface such as regret of not having yet travelled to see my uncle how much joy he has brought me whenever I would visit. It felt like a huge release allowing tears to flow. Afterwards I felt less tension in my shoulders and back and more open to connecting with other people."

❤️‍ "Since Fridays ceremony I’ve felt more emotions come up stemming from childhood such as not having received much attention and feeling unseen but instead of closing myself up I was able to sit with them to understand them and feel what they wanted to show me."


  1. I have a question where can I ask? Message "CACAO" to https://www.instagram.com/pixienelan/ OR Feel free to join us inside our Wolverhampton Cacao Whatsapp Group
  2. What if I'm not a healer, lightworker, OR starseed? If you're reading this . . . . you most likely ARE! Not many people will reach this message. And if You have I encourage you to trust the pull in your heart & let your soul lead you.

Event Venue

Rectory house, The rectory, 1 Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton WV3 0TZ, United Kingdom, Wolverhampton


GBP 148.00 to GBP 444.00

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