Details about how that will work will be in a thread on a discussion post.
Hard Knox Games is proud to announce Wolfkrieg 2025. This is a Flames of War Version 4 tournament. This will be a two-day, five round, red-vs-blue event. This event will be held here in Elizabethtown, KY 42701.
For 2025 Wolfkrieg will be held on March 8th and 9th.
Cost: $50...all proceeds going to venue/logistics/t-shirts/trophies/ etc. with all remaining dollars going to prize support.
3 Rounds Saturday, 2 Rounds Sunday
You can signup under your preference of Soviet or Axis here:
We will be doing Late War 108 points. The theme this year is Bagration. Lists can be made from Bagration German, Bagration Soviet, Bagration Axis-Allies, and Fortress Europe (German or Soviet). All units must be from these books and no black-box support or formations may be taken from other books.
EDIT: Additionally...forces taken from Fortress Europe may benefit and use appropriate Command Cards from Bagration. This will allow those units and formations to benefit from the same options as the rest of the forces. This also means that any restrictions from those Command Cards will apply.
We will have physical awards (plaques, trophies, etc.) for: Best Axis, Best Allied, 2ic Axis, 2ic Allied, Best Sport, and Best Painted. Winners are determined by Wins, Victory Points, and Strength of Schedule in that order.
Monetary prizes will be awarded by random drawing. Each player will receive one ticket for each of the following:
Participating in the tournament
Being in the Top 3 ranking German or Allied players
Winning 3 or more games
Bringing a Themed Table
Getting 3 votes for best sport from your opponents
Getting 5 votes for best sport (one from each opponent)
Switching your chosen faction on day of tournament to maintain red vs blue balance.
For every 3 full votes for best paint job
Having your Army list sent to [email protected] by 10am on the 28th of February.
We will use Battleplans with a single non-recurring (per day) die-roll to determine missions. "Missions for Flames of War" and "Lessons from the Front" can be found at this link:
If there are dynamic points adjustments or new mission adjustments to the battleplans we will make an announcement about how they will be included.
In the event that new lists are released on Forces of War or there are any miscellaneous questions that a player would like to submit for consideration of inclusion you may contact the T.O. (Chad Underdonk) via email at [email protected]
We have acquired a number of the old masters tables from Battlefront for use at our store and will not require player brought tables. Anyone who would like to bring a Bagration themed table is still welcome to, and we will make room for it to be set up.
Our regular store hours are 11am-9pm EST Monday-Thursday, 11am-Midnight EST Friday, 10am-Midnight Saturday, and Noon-6pm Sundays.
In the event that you need to cancel after you have paid to register:
If you formally cancel before February 15th you will get $50 store credit. After that date, if you formally cancel before March 3rd you will get $25 store credit.
Friday the 7th…
6pm-Midnight Table Set-up and open gaming.
Saturday the 12th...
9am: The game floor will open for anyone who wants to set-up tables or find their pre-designated game-table.
9:30 Welcome in-brief and assignment of tables
9:45am-12:30pm Round 1
12:30-1:30 Lunch Break
1:30-4:15 Round 2.
4:30-7:15 Round 3
Sunday the 13th
9am: The game floor will re-open for anyone who wants to find their pre-designated game-table.
9:45am-12:30pm Round 1
12:30-1:30 Lunch Break
1:30-4:15 Round 2.
4:25-4:40 Awards
We can accommodate as many players as would like to participate.
T-Shirt orders have been completed. If we have enough people that want to do a second chance order sent directly to their home we may be able to open another order. Please ask Chad if you are interested in doing that.
The first T-shirt order page
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Hard Knox Games, 5571 N Dixie Hwy, Elizabethtown, KY 42701-7806, United States,Radcliff, Kentucky