Legendaarne Hollandi sümfooniline metalbänd Within Temptation alustab oktoobris 2024 oma „Bleed Out 2024“ turneed ning selle raames jõuab oma pika karjääri jooksul esimest korda ka Tallinnasse. Vägev kontsert toimub 12. oktoobril Unibet Arena Blackboxis. Within Temptationiga liituvad erikülalised Tarja ja Alex Yarmak. Õhtu algab võimsate esinemistega, mille toovad teieni soojendusartistid Annisokay ja Blind8.Vähesed bändid saavad uhkeldada nii hiilgava karjääriga nagu Within Temptation. Bändi asutasid 1996. aastal laulja Sharon den Adel ja kitarrist Robert Westerholt. Hollandis legendistaatusesse tõusnud metalimuusikud on end julgelt rockiajaloo annaalidesse kirjutanud, kuna nende albumid on terviklikud ja näitavad muusikute pühendumust oma loomingulisele visioonile. Nende diskograafia hulka kuulub kaheksa muusikaajalugu muutnud albumit. Enam kui nelja miljoni müüdud plaadiga on nad kindlalt tõestanud kui üks maailma edukamaid heavy rock ansambleid.
Within Temptationi kaheksas stuudioalbum „Bleed Out“ ilmus möödunud aastal. Nüüd alustavad nad albumit toetavat tuuri läbi Euroopa ja Suurbritannia, tehes peatuse ka Tallinnas. „Bleed Outi“ lugu peegeldab hullumeelset aega milles me elame.
Alates Ukraina sõja algusest on Within Temptation nihutanud oma fookust ühiskondlikel teemadel kirjutamiselt Ukraina sõja käsitlemisele, Iraanis vabaduse eest võitlevate naiste raskele olukorrale ja naise valimisõigusega seotud keerulistele küsimustele. Kogu kirjutamisprotsessi vältel on "Bleed Out" näidanud, et bänd läheneb muusikale rusikad püsti. Tähelepanelikumad vaatlejad märgivad, et see pole album, mis ei karda purustada ka kõlareid. „Bleed Out“ on nii ülevoolavalt raske kui ka poliitiliselt sügavamõtteline. Within Temptation on bänd, kes võitleb headuse poolel ja nad teevad seda omamoodi.
Within Temptationi muusikaline odüsseia tõotab lummata kogu Euroopa metalipublikut. Pane end selleks emotsionaalseks reisiks valmis, sest Within Temptation asub „Bleed Out 2024 Tour“ raames lavale Tallinnas 12. oktoobril 2024, Unibet Arena Blackboxis. Piletite müük Live Nation Estonia kontserdiklubi liikmetele algab 3. aprillil kell 10, avalik müük algab 5. aprillil kell 10 Piletilevi kodulehel ja müügipunktides.
Within Temptation, the iconic Dutch symphonic metal band, is set to embark on their highly anticipated "Bleed Out 2024" tour in October 2024. As a momentous occasion, they will make their inaugural appearance in Tallinn, Estonia. The exciting performance is scheduled for October 12 at the Unibet Arena Blackbox. Within Temptation will be joined by special guests Tarja and Alex Yarmak. The night will kick off with high-energy performances from the warm-up acts, Annisokay and Blind8.
Few bands have had a career as illustrious as Within Temptation. Since their foundation in 1996 by long-term partners vocalist Sharon den Adel and guitarist Robert Westerholt the venerable Dutch symphonic metallers have made confident strides into the annals of rock and metal history courtesy a sterling recording output that has become synonymous with integrity and a cast-iron commitment to forge a career according to their unique creative vision. Their discography includes eight groundbreaking releases and with more than 4 million record sales to their name, they have firmly established themselves as one of the world’s most successful heavy rock groups.
Their eight studio album “Bleed Out” was released last year and now they embark on a tour supporting the album through Europe and UK, making a stop in Tallinn as well. The story of “Bleed Out” reflects the crazy times we live in.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Within Temptation has shifted its focus from writing about societal subjects to tackling the war in Ukraine, to the plight of women fighting for freedom in Iran, to the complex issues involved with a woman’s right to choose. Throughout the writing process, “Bleed Out” has become a fist-in-the-air proclamation of the band’s fearless approach to music, and close observers will note that this isn’t an album that’s afraid to shatter a speaker system or two. Imbued with a vast dynamic range that plumbs the full depth of symphonic heaviosity, “Bleed Out” is as exuberantly heavy as it is politically profound. Within Temptation are a band poised to fight the good fight, and they’re doing it their way.
Within Temptation is set to now embark on a musical odyssey that promises to captivate audiences across Europe. Known for their dynamic performances and electrifying stage presence, the band will deliver a spellbinding show featuring both classic hits and tracks from their latest album.
Prepare to be transported on a journey of music and emotion as Within Temptation takes the stage for the 'Bleed Out 2024 Tour in Tallinn on October 12th 2024 at Unibet Arena Blacbox. Tickets for Live Nation Estonia members will start on April 3rd at 10AM, public sale starts on April 5th at 10AM on Piletilevi website and sales points.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Unibet Arena, Paldiski maantee 104b, Haabersti, Tallinn, 13522 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia