William Lee Martin, affectionately known for years as "Cowboy Bill," stands as a proud Texan whose comedic prowess knows no bounds. He effortlessly spreads laughter across the nation with his one-of-a-kind humor, captivating audiences through heartwarming family-centered tales and uplifting spirits, particularly during life's toughest moments.Over a remarkable career spanning more than two decades, he has left audiences in stitches at iconic venues like the Grand Ole Opry and under the dazzling lights of MGM. With three one-hour television comedy specials and a thriving online presence, he has firmly established his standing as a comedy luminary. However, he is not merely a comedian; he's a multifaceted entertainer, an actor, a writer, and, above all, a devoted family man.
Brace yourself for a side-splitting and heartwarming adventure as you join him on the unmissable 'The Funny Life Tour' It promises an unforgettable night of laughter and entertainment that'll leave you in stitches.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Millwald Theatre, 205 West Main Street,Wytheville, Virginia, United States