Welcome to Warmachine at Cancon 2025! Full tournament details are below, but please join the Warmachine Australia Facebook Group ( and the Warmachine Australia Discord ( to stay up to date with any additional announcements.An easier to read version of this is available here:
Tickets are available here:
Saturday 25th January 2025
100pt PRIME Steamroller (Masters): (MAX 64 players) 8:30am registration for a 9am start, 4 rounds, Deathclock (60 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, 2 lists. The top 4 players will play in the Masters finals on Day 2.
Estimated finish time: 6-6:30pm
R1 9am -11am R2 11:15am - 1:15pm LUN 1:15pm - 2pm R3 2pm - 4pm R4 4:15-6:15pm
50pt PRIME Steamroller: (MAX 32 Players) 9:30am registration for a 10am start, 3 rounds, Deathclock (45 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, 2nd list optional.
Estimated finish time: 3:30-4pm
R1 10am -11:30am LUN 11:30am - 12:15pm R2 12:15pm - 1:45pm R3 2pm - 3:30pm
Sunday 26th January 2025
75pt UNLIMITED Steamroller: (MAX 32 players) 9am registration for a 9:30am start, 4 rounds, Deathclock (50 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, 2 lists.
Estimated finish time: 6-6:30pm
R1 10am -11:40am LUN 11:40am - 12:30pm R2 12:30pm - 2:10pm R3 2:25pm - 4pm R4 4:15-6pm
75pt PRIME Teams event: (MAX 24 players, 8 teams of 3 players) 12pm registration for a 12:30pm start, 3 rounds, Deathclock (50 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, 2nd list optional, teams must send me a list of all players in their team in advance.
Each team must choose their Captain before the event starts
The captains from each team will work together to determine the individual
pairings of the players within their teams using the following
1 Dice off until there is a winner. The winner gets to choose whether
they are Team A, or Team B in the process.
2 Team B captain nominates their first player and presents
the player’s lists to the opposing captain.
3 Team A captain then nominates two (2) of their players that are
potential opponents for the player. They provide all lists for the 2
4 Team B captain chooses which player from the 2 that will play
against the player they first nominated. The one they didn’t choose
remains on the table.
5 Once the first matchup is determined, Team B captain will nominate
2 of his/her remaining players, Team A captain will then choose
one of those to face off against the player left on the table from the
1st round pairings. The remaining players will then be paired together
Team B captain will choose on which table each match will be
played. They choose the table the moment a pairing choice has been
Team B picks first match up and chooses all tables, team A gets to pick two match ups.
Estimated finish time: 6pm-6:30pm
R1 9am -11am R2 11:15am - 1:15pm LUN 1:15pm - 2pm R3 2pm - 4pm R4 4:15-6:15pm
Dragonfall Narrative Event: 8 Players Run by Daniel Tacken, details TBD
Masters Final: (4 players, invitation only) 12pm start, 2 rounds, Death Clock (60 minutes per player per game), round timer in place. The top 4 players from day 1.
Monday 27th January 2025
100pt PRIME Steamroller: (MAX 32 players) 8:30am registration for a 9am start, 3 rounds regardless of player numbers, Deathclock (60 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, 2nd list optional.
Estimated finish time: 4pm-4:30pm
R1 9am -11am R2 11:15am - 1:15pm LUN 1:15pm - 2pm R3 2pm - 4pm
75pt Who’s the Boss: (MAX 16 players) 9:30am registration for a 10am start, 3 rounds regardless of player numbers, Death Clock (50 minutes per player per game), round timer in place, Battle Lines scenario only.
One list only. You need to write a 75 point list, without a warcaster or warlock. At the start of each round you will be randomly assigned a MK4 Prime Warcaster/Warlock (e.g. Storm Legion, House Kallyss, etc). If you are using a Warcaster faction and you are assigned a Warlock model, that model will use the focus mechanic in place of the fury mechanic. If you are using a Warlock faction and you are assigned a Warcaster model, that model will use the fury mechanic in place of the focus mechanic. Your new Warcaster/Warlock is considered to be a friendly faction model for the duration of the game. You will use the spell rack for the army that your assigned warcaster/warlock is from.
Estimated finish time: 4pm-4:30pm
R1 10am -11:40am LUN 11:40am - 12:30pm R2 12:30pm - 2:10pm R3 2:25pm - 4pm
General housekeeping.
All events will use the most current Steamroller pack, noting that it tends to release early-mid January each year.
This year the tournament results will be entered directly into the Longshanks tournament software by one of the players. Both players are required to check the result.
Please ensure you have an account set up well in advance of the event to ensure there are no delays on the day. Please use your real name in your Longshanks username for your events, so players can easily identify each other.
Players who are more than 15 minutes late for the start of an event will be dropped unless they give a TO prior notice.
Players who are more than 15 minutes late for the start of a round will suffer an automatic round loss.
Ask the TO if you want to know how much time you have to run and be free between rounds.
With the exception of the Masters, if an event has 1 undefeated player at the end of a round, the tournament will end and prizes will be given out.
Painting and Conversions
Painting is not required but it is encouraged. All models must be fully assembled.
Each day will have an award for best painted army, to be judged by the TO or one or more judges chosen by the TO.
You will be judged according to how sweet your army looks, not on specific techniques used.
Having at least 1 fully painted list in a tournament will make you eligible for this prize.
If you have a converted model that you wish to use, you need to ask the TO for permission to use it, and they may tell you to bring the proper model(s) if necessary.
Supply to Australia and Proxies
Due to ongoing issues with supply of new releases to Australia, the below models are allowed to be proxied with the listed model options. This list is based on assumed releases up to January 2025, and requires the models to be officially available in the Warmachine App.
Players using proxies are required to have physical army lists printed with a guide for what proxied models they are using available to all their opponents. This is especially important for players playing Necrofactorium, as it is expected that all Raptor/Malefactor warjacks are as identifiable as possible by all opponents (and by the player themselves).
Cygnar - Storm Legion
Borealis - Stormclad/Reliant/Avenger/
Maelstrom - Stormwall/Hurricane
Khador - Winter Korps
Avalanche - Spriggan/Decimator/Devastator
Mastadon - Conquest/Victor
Yana - Any Sorscha model mounted on a 50mm base
Orgoth - Sea Raiders
Butcher5 - Any Butcher model mounted on a 50mm base (Ideally Butcher4)
Gharlghast - Mammoth (Skorne)/Blightbringer (Legion)
Southern Kriels - Brineblood Marauders
Abyssal King - Sea King
Cryx - Necrofactorium
Eviscerus - Mortenebra1
Dekathus - Venethrax
Sepsira - Goreshade1
Nekane - Deneghra1/Deneghra2
Raptor - Best effort to match weapons with models from the Deathripper chassis
Malefactor - Best effort to match weapons with models from the Slayer/Seether/Harrower chassis
Grendel - Barathrum/Nightmare
Hades - Deathjack/Malice
Iron Lich Commander - Iron Lich Overseer/Bane Lord Tartarus
Machine Wraith Dominator - Machine Wraith/Soul Trapper on a 40mm base
Master Necrotech Chatterbane - Necrotech on a 50mm base
Necroharvester - Dusk Void Engine/80mm Proxy Base with a Best effort stand in model
Corpse Crawlers - Scrap Thralls
Skarlock Lieutenant - Skarlock Thrall/Skarlock Commander/Bane Knight and/or Warrior Officer
Mechanithrall Brutes - Brute Thralls/Bloodgorgers
Mechanithrall Swarm - Mechanithralls/Bane Warriors
Necrosurgeon Initiates - Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls/Scharde Dirge Seers/Cephalyx Overlords
Night Terrors - Bane Riders/Soulhunters
Sludge Thralls - Bile Thralls on a 40mm base/Scharde Ogrun Smog Belchers
The Furies - Withershadow Combine on 40mm bases/3 different Blackbane’s Ghost Raiders models on 40mm bases
This year we will be playing with 2D / 3D terrain. This means that most of the 2D terrain templates will have 3D terrain on top of them.
Players are to confirm with their opponent what each piece of terrain on the table is before any other start of game actions have occurred. If you and your opponent cannot agree on what a piece of terrain should be, please ask the TO to decide for you.
If a 3D terrain piece is in the way when moving models or measuring distance, it can be moved to the side at any time. The 2D terrain underneath must not be moved.
Please treat the 3D terrain properly and refrain from damaging it.
While you are expected to be on your best behaviour both before, during and after games, there will be prizes awarded for those who go above and beyond. Players can recommend a player for an award at any point during the event, or if the TO happens past someone displaying extraordinary sportsmanship.
Finishing Times
These have been calculated assuming the event runs the maximum time that it can across all rounds.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Exhibition Park in Canberra, Handmade Canberra, Lyneham ACT 2602, Australia,Canberra, Australian Capital Territory