Waitress is a heartwarming musical that serves up a slice of life, sprinkled with humor, resilience, and the joy of self-discovery. This hit Broadway musical revolves around Jenna, a talented piemaker trapped in a loveless marriage, who finds solace and strength through her extraordinary baking skills. As Jenna navigates the challenges of life, love, and motherhood, the musical unfolds with a sweet blend of sincerity and wit. With a soulful score by Sara Bareilles, Waitress is a delectable treat that explores the empowering journey of a woman finding her own recipe for happiness.“A little slice of heaven!”
– Entertainment Weekly
Music and Lyrics by Sara Bareilles
Book by Jessie Nelson
Based on the Original Screenplay by Adrienne Shelly
March 26 – April 20, 2025
Performances Wednesday - Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Actors' Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile,Coral Gables, Florida, United States