Veselica Gala 2023 | Ples Veselice Feb.11 2023

Sat, 11 Feb, 2023 at 06:00 pm to Sun, 12 Feb, 2023 at 02:00 am

Belvedere Chateau | Palos Hills

Veselica Slovak Folk Ensemble in Chicago USA
Publisher/HostVeselica Slovak Folk Ensemble in Chicago USA
Veselica Gala 2023 | Ples Veselice Feb.11 2023
Veselica Slovak Cultural Org invites you to Veselica Gala 2023, Feb.11, 2023 at 6:00PM, Belvedere Chateau, 8055 W 103rd St, Palos Hills, IL.
About this Event

After more than two years, Veselica has resumed its activities and is happy to announce it will once again host its annual dance ball Veselica Gala.

You are cordially invited to join us for a wonderful evening, a celebration of beauty and culture, dance and music at Veselica Gala on 11th of February, 2023 at 6PM in Belvedere Chateau, 8055 W 103rd St, Palos Hills, Illinois.

It will be an evening celebrating the beauty of Slovak culture, music and dance, when together we will dedicate this ball not only to us but also to previous generations who were here before us. In the short program "From Generation to Generation" we will return to our roots, the heritage of our fathers, and stories of immigrants... We don't want to reveal much. Please join us and be part of this celebration. We look forward to having you.


  • DJ Mike
  • Folk Band Veselica
  • Folk Ensemble Veselica Program "From Generation to Generation"
  • Midnight Raffle


  • Soup, salad
  • Three entrees
  • Three side dishes
  • Dessert and coffee


  • Mixd drinks
  • Bottle of white and red wine on the table

DONATIONS: Tickets can be purchased online or in person without transaction fees at:

- Tatrashipping, 7250 W 90th St Bridgeview, IL 60455 Tatra Shipping Co.

- Veselica practice on Mondays from 6-9PM at Christ Church, 2S361 Glen Ave, Lombard, IL 60148

All proceeds from the fundraising event will directly benefit Veselica Slovak Cultural Organization, 501c3 non for profit organization - Folk Ensemble Veselica and Children's Ensemble Veselička.

Thank you for your support!


Po viac ako dvoch rokoch, Veselica obnovila svoju činnosť a s radosťou Vám oznamuje, že opäť pripravuje svoj každoročný tanečný ples Veselica Gala.

Srdečne vás pozývame na Veselica Gala 2023 dňa 11. februára 2023 o 18:00 hod. v Belvedere Chateau, 8055 W 103rd St, Palos Hills, Illinois .

Bude to večer oslavy krásy ľudovej kultúry, hudby a tanca, kedy spoločne venujeme tento ples nie len nám ale aj predošlým generáciam, ktoré tu boli pred nami a v krátkom programe "Z generácie na generáciu” sa vrátime k našim koreňom, dedičstvu našich otcov, príbehom imigrantov… Nebudeme veľa prezrádzať. Nechajte sa prekvapiť. Tešíme sa na Vás!


  • DJ Mike
  • Ľudová hudba Veselica
  • Folklórny súbor Veselica - "Z pokolenia na pokolenie"
  • Polnočná tombola


  • Polievka, šalát
  • Tri hlavné jedlá
  • Tri prílohy
  • Dezert a káva


  • Miešané nápoje
  • Fľaša bieleho a červeného vína na stole

Donations: Lístky si môžete zakúpiť online alebo osobne:

- Tatrashipping, 7250 W 90th St Bridgeview, IL 60455 Tatra Shipping Co.

- Veselica practice on Mondays from 6-9PM at Christ Church, 2S361 Glen Ave, Lombard, IL 60148

Výťažok z plesu pôjde v prospech 501c3 registrovanej neziskovej organizácie Veselica Slovak Cultural Organization - Ľudového súboru Veselica a Detského súboru Veselička.

Ďakujeme za Vašu podporu! Tešíme sa na Vás!

Event Photos

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Belvedere Chateau, 8055 West 103rd Street, Palos Hills, United States


USD 100.00

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