EXPO 09>31.03.2023VISITS weekdays 9am-8pm I weekends 10 am-5pm
VERNISSAGE 09.03.2023 I 19:00-23:00
gratis toegang - entrée gratuite - free entrance
>> De vernissage is onderdeel van het festival 'Vrouwxnlente', naar aanleiding van de Internationale Vrouwendag. Dit festival wil (Brusselse) vrouwen een stem geven. Check het programma hier: https://www.gcelzenhof.be/activiteiten/vrouwxnlenteprintemps-des-fxmmes-buurtbar-bar-de-quartier
INFO ARTIST https://narsenow.com
NL/ Kom de expo van Nathalie Arsenow bewonderen (fine art drawings of women) bewonderen, die in het teken staat van feminisme. Met haar serie 'Vrouwen van de Wereld' wil Natalie Arsenow sterke, onafhankelijke vrouwen van verschillende culturele achtergronden vieren. Schoonheid verandert door de eeuwen heen, maar ook binnen verschillende landen. De algemene perceptie is echter zeer vergelijkbaar en kan over de hele wereld worden gevonden.
FR/ Venez admirer l'exposition de Nathalie Arsenow (dessins d'art de femmes) qui porte sur le féminisme. Avec sa série "Femmes du monde", Natalie Arsenow veut célébrer les femmes fortes et indépendantes issues de différents horizons culturels. La beauté change au fil des siècles, mais aussi au sein des différents pays. Cependant, la perception commune est très similaire et peut être trouvée partout dans le monde.
EN/ Come and admire the exhibition of Nathalie Arsenow (fine art drawings of women), which is all about feminism. With her series "Women of the World", Natalie Arsenow wants to celebrate strong, independent women from various cultural backgrounds. Beauty changes throughout the ages but also within different countries. However, the general perception is very similar and can be found all over the world.
Natalie Arsenow creates intricate drawings, which people can enjoy simply for their aesthetic value and inherent beauty. However, she does also love to inject a slight feminist touch. Therefore the artist draws portraits, usually depicting women only, because in her opinion it is high time to put women in the limelight and on a pedestal, where they belong, after existing in obscurity for many centuries.
The inspiration comes from Old Masters on the one hand and photographs depicting actresses on the other hand. She tends to chose famous portraits from the Renaissance and Baroque period and images of rather well-known actresses from the past and present because the audience is able to recognize them, which creates an immediate link between the artwork and the viewer.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Elzenhof Elsene, Kroonlaan 12,Brussels, Belgium