Oh, my dear, spinning wheel … je performativno delo Urške Medved. Delo je nastalo v sklopu raziskovanja sodobnih načinov dela in delovanja ženske. Je upodobitev in iskanje ravnotežja v svetu kjer je Preveč normala. Je manifestacija vrtenja; vrtenja v krogu, vrtenja misli, vrtenja kolovrata, vrtenja sobnega kolesa. Je raziskovanje mešanega občutka hitenja in obenem ostajanja na mestu.Po angleško ima beseda “spinning” več pomenov, je trademark izraz za sobno kolesarjenje, ki je popularna vodena praksa v fitnes studiih, podkrepljena s hitro glasbo, velikokrat tudi virtualnimi svetovi, da “hitro mine”. Hkrati pa “spinning” pojmuje tradicionalno ročno prakso pridobivanja niti iz volne ali lanenih vlaken, meditativno in dolgotrajno. Avtorica v svojem delu raziskuje teme različnih polov; preokupacije, meditacije trajanja in minevanja.
Urška Medved (1996) je bazirana v Goteborgu, kjer zaključuje univerzitetni magisterski študijski program Contemporary Performative Arts, v sklopu katerega je ustvarila samostojno perfromativno instalacijo “The Land of Bees - the paradoxicality of absence and the exicution of vacations” na kmetiji v Skredsviks Hede. Svojo performativno pot začela pri zgodnjih štirih letih v Kulturnem Društvu Qulenium pod budnim očesom Saše Lončar. Ustvarila je več solo in skupinskih del ter z njimi gostovala na slovenskih in tujih (ne)odrih. Zaključila je naravoslovnotehniško fakulteto, smer oblikovanja tekstila in oblačil. Z delom Home Sweet Home se je predstavila na natečaju mladih umetnikov Olge Birkefelts v Bengsforshu in prejela prvo nagrado. Leta 2019 je sodelovala na mednarodnem festivalu RICF v Delhiju. Leta 2020 je v Medprostoru v Kranju imela prvo samostojno razstavo Sledi, ki je bila kasneje predstavljena tudi na festivalu Lotny Binaly v Litvi ter leta 2022 na 4. YTAT – Young textile art Triennial v Lodzu. Leta 2021 je samostojno razstavljala na tekstilnem bienalu BIEN21 v Kranju. Od leta 2023 je del tria Gentle Pain.
V okviru performativnega sklopa Kruh in vrtnice v slavo žensk, ki se borimo za enakopravnost in boljši jutri.
Kuriranje: Tatiana Kocmur
Koprodukcija: Cirkulacija 2, KUd Mreža
Sofinanciranje: Mestna občina Ljubljana - oddelek za kulturo, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
“Oh, my dear, spinning wheel...” is a performative piece by Urška Medved, created as part of her research into contemporary modes of labor and the role of women within them. It is a visual and physical exploration of the struggle to maintain balance in a world where too much has become the norm. The performance manifests spinning—spinning in circles, spinning thoughts, spinning wool on a spinning wheel, and spinning on a stationary bicycle. The performance explores the paradoxical sensation of rushing forward while simultaneously standing still.
In English, the word "spinning" holds multiple meanings: it is both a trademarked term for indoor cycling, a popular guided fitness practice often paired with fast music and virtual landscapes to make time fly, and a traditional handcraft technique for extracting fibers from wool or flax, a meditative and time-consuming practice. Medved delves into themes of preoccupation, meditation, duration, and impermanence.
Urška Medved (b. 1996) is based in Gothenburg, where she is completing her Master’s in Contemporary Performative Arts. As part of her studies, she created the performative installation The Land of Bees – The Paradoxicality of Absence and the Execution of Vacations, presented on a farm in Skredsviks Hede. Her performative journey began at the age of four in Cultural Association Qulenium, under the guidance of Saša Lončar. Over the years, she has created numerous solo and collective works, performing on both Slovenian and international (non)stages.
Medved holds a degree in Textile and Clothing Design from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. With her work Home Sweet Home, she won first prize at the Olga Birkefeldt Young Artists' Competition in Bengtsfors, Sweden. In 2019, she participated in the RICF international festival in Delhi. Her first solo exhibition, Sledi, was presented at Medprostor in Kranj (2020) and later featured at the Lotny Biennale in Lithuania and the 4th Young Textile Art Triennial (YTAT) in Łódź, Poland (2022). In 2021, she showcased her work at the BIEN21 Textile Biennale in Kranj. Since 2023, she has been a member of the performance trio Gentle Pain.
As part of the performative series Bread and Roses in honor of women fighting for equality and a better tomorrow.
Curated by: Tatiana Kocmur
Co-produced by: Cirkulacija 2, KUD Mreža
Co-financed by: Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Podhod Ajdovščina 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia