At Urban Talks, we bring smart and sustainable solutions for cities.We educate. We connect. We inspire.
Urban Talks were created by
UrbanizeHub out of a simple need of connecting innovators, leaders, changemakers and companies who share the same values and dream of a better world. Through their Urban Talks, they inspire us to get involved in projects that shape the future of our cities.
This edition of Urban Talks is part of a project financed by DG Regio of European Commission, called People Shaping Cities for the People. Register Here for the Event: https://urbanizehub.ro/urban-talks-and-hackathon-brasov/
Event organised with support of Brașov Metropolitan Region Agency and Nhood.
Join us to shape the future cities, together!
La Urban Talks, aducem soluții inteligente și durabile pentru orașe.
Educăm, conectăm și inspirăm lumea care participă prin exemplele de bună practică și prin invitații care urcă pe scenă.
Evenimentele Urban Talks au fost create de UrbanizeHub dintr-o simplă nevoie de conectare a inovatorilor, liderilor, producătorilor de schimbări și a companiilor care împărtășesc aceleași valori și visează la o lume mai bună. Prin discuțiile lor urbane, ne inspiră să ne implicăm în proiecte care conturează viitorul orașelor noastre.
Această ediție este parte a unui proiect finanțat de DG Regio al Comisiei Europene, proiect care se numește Cetățeni ce modelează orașe pentru oameni. Vă puteți înregistra aici la eveniment: https://urbanizehub.ro/urban-talks-and-hackathon-brasov/
Eveniment organizat cu sprijinul Agenției Metropolitane Brașov și Nhood.
Veniți alături de noi să modelăm împreună viitorul orașelor.
Pe 23-24 Oct se va tine Urban Innovation Hackathon, pe 3 track-uri: mobilitate urbana, solutii pentru clima & mediu, solutii digitale pentru orasele viitorului. Premii in valoare de 3000 EUR. Mai multe detalii:
Agenda evenimentului:
9:15-9:30 Start Urban Talks Brașov - People Shaping Cities for the People
9:30 - 10:00 Welcoming speeches from organisers, hosts and partners
Alex Glod - Host - Presentation of Urban Talks Concept & People Shaping Cities for the People - Who, Why, How and What
Grațian Mihăilescu - UrbanizeHub Founder - Intro
Flavia Boghiu - Vice Mayor of Brașov - Welcoming Speech
Amodeo Francesco - Policy Officer European Commission DG Regional and Urban Policy - Intro European Commission
10:00 - 11:00 Vision, Strategy & Investments in Cities for the People
Lara Tassan Zanin - Head of European Investment Bank in Romania - (10 min)
Laura Hetel - Policy Officer, Future Urban Systems & the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, European Commission - (10 min)
Marius Cristea - Senior Urban Development Specialist - (15 min)
Oana Bodron - Project Adviser European Commission, Health and Digital Executive Agency - The Importance of
Participatory Governance - (10 min)
Flavia Fitoiu - Operational Director Coresi at Nhood - (10 min)
Q & A - (5 min)
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break & Networking
11:30 - 12:15 Panel - People Shaping Smart Cities
Razvan Atim - General Director Eastern Europe UI Path - (10 min)
Fred Sitbon - Smart City Lead for Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe - (10 min)
Round Table with Q & A - (25 min):
Andreea Bulisache - National Technology Officer Microsoft Romania
Razvan Atim - General Director Eastern Europe UI Path
Tomek Olejnik - General Manager Central and Eastern Europe, Amazon & Jakub Manikowski - Senior Solutions Arhitect Central and Eastern Europe, Amazon - Smart City for Data Driven Decision-Making - (15 min)
12:30 - 13:30 Panel - People Shaping Green and Sustainable Cities
Victor Dijkson - Landscape Architecture at Vic Landscapes, The Netherlands - (15 min)
George Zaharia - Smart City Manager, FLASH LIGHTING SERVICES SA - (10 min)
Radu Vanturache & Samuel Stancu - UrbanizeHub - Co-creating the City through Participatory Urbanism - (15 min)
Mihai Ionita - UrbanizeHub - European Bauhaus Project about Participatory Urban Mobility - (10 min)
Q & A - (10 min)
13:30- 14:30 Lunch Break & Networking
14:30 - 16:00 Roundtable: Vision, Strategy, Challenges, Opportunities
Flavia Boghiu - Vice Mayor of Brașov
Nicolae Ștefănuță - Member of the European Parliament
Vlad Oprea - Mayor of Sinaia
Dragoș David - Brașov Metropolitan Agency
Simion Crețu - Director of Central Regional Development Agency
Moderator: Grațian Mihăilescu (UrbanizeHub)
Q & A Session - (30 min)
Closing remarks
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Centrul De Afaceri Transfer Tehnologic si Incubator De Afaceri, Strada Institutului, Brasov, Romania