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Sel sõbrapäeval lase oma südamel tantsupõrandal teed juhatada!
Esimest korda Eestis, Vanildo Oliveira (Holland) ja meie kaunis Zoya on valmis pannud ägeda workshoppide seeria, mille käigus tutvud hetkel Euroopa trendis olevate tehnikatega, mis Sinu tantsumängu silmnähtavalt elavdavad. ????
Peoeelne workshop sobib igal tasemel tantsijale, kes soovib oma oskusi tõsta. Laupäeva intensiivne programm saab olema rikkalikult värskendav kogemus neile, kes on juba tutvust teinud Urban Kiz’i inspireeriva energiaga.
Nii et sel nädalavahetusel valmistu oma piire ületama❤️?
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Reedel 14. veebruaril:
❤️? 20:00 Peoeelne workshop - Urban Kiz “Sujuv voolamine” (avatud tase) - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️? 21:00-03:00 Pidu live DJ-dega 3 saalis:
? Urban Kiz / Kizomba - ?DJ ART (SUUR SAAL)
? Bachata - ?DJ Cosimo
? Salsa - ?DJ Eric
Laupäeval, 15. veebruaril UrbanKiz töötoad:
❤️? 14:00 Footwork/Styling (Mehed & Naised) - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️? 15:10 Pöördepunktid ja nende juhtimine - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️? 16:20 Ristsammud & pöördepunktid kombinatsioonis - Vanildo & Zoya
+ natuke praktikaaega soovijatele!
? Piletid:
NB! Paarina (M&N) ostes kasuta sooduskoodi PAAR, et saada 10% soodukat!
?????? ?????̈?̈???? “Early?Birds”
R/L Täispass 4 w/shoppi & pidu: 49€
Reede w/shop & pidu: 20€
Laupäev 3 w/shoppi: 39€
Laupäev 1 w/shop: 20€
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R/L Täispass: 59€
Laupäev 3 w/shoppi: 49€
Laupäev 1 w/shop: 25€
Reede w/shop & pidu: 25€
R pidu: 10€ (osta kohapeal)
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Võid võtta kaasa oma jooke, snäkke ja sõpru! Peole on oodatud kõik rõõmsad ja tantsukirglikud inimesed ?
PS: Uksekood tänaval on 7123, kasuta seda. (Võid ka kasutada uksekella)
Kohtumiseni tantsupõrandal! ??
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This Valentine's Day, let your heart lead the way on the dance floor!
For the first time, Vanildo Oliveira (Netherlands) and our beautiful Zoya have prepared an awesome series of workshops during which you will get to know the trending techniques in Europe that will visibly liven up your dance game. ????
The pre-party workshop is suitable for all levels looking to elevate their skills, and the Saturday’s intensive program will offer really refreshing experience for those who have already been introduced to the inspiring UrbanKiz energy.
So, prepare to dive deeper and push your limits this weekend❤️?
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Friday 14. February:
❤️? 20:00 Pre-Party Workshop - UrbanKiz Soft Flow (Open Level) - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️? 21:00-03:00 Party with live DJs in 3 halls:
? Urban Kiz / Kizomba - ?DJ ART
? Bachata - ?DJ Cosimo
? Salsa - ?DJ Eric
Saturday, February 15:
❤️?14:00 Footwork/Styling (Men & Women) - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️?15:10 Pivots - Vanildo & Zoya
❤️?16:20 Crosses & Pivots in Combination - Vanildo & Zoya
+ a little bit of practice time!
? Tickets:
We offer 10% discount for M+F couples: type the discount code COUPLE upon checkout!
Full Weekend Pass: 49€ (4ws + Fri party)
Friday Workshop & Party: 20€
Saturday Pass: 39€ (3h ws)
Saturday 1 workshop: 20€
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Full Weekend Pass: 59€
Saturday pass 49€
1 Workshop (Saturday) 25€
Friday pre-party workshop & party: 25€
Party (Friday) 10€
* You can pay by card or cash.
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Feel free to bring your drinks, snacks and friends along! Every dancing soul is welcome! ?
PS: The door code of our street entrance is 7123. Please use it or ring the bell, if you wish.
See you on the dance floor! ??
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Pärnu mnt 19, IV korrus, 10141 Tallinn, Estonia, Pärnu maantee 19, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10141 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia