ENG:UNWIRED conference by The Works
A chance to learn about remote/freelance business. The freelance community has grown considerably in recent years, which inspired us to host this conference.
Joining a remote community can be a hard transition sometimes, but it doesn't have to be. We'll go through a variety of topics covering a lot of aspects of the business, starting with the most fundamental concerns.
UNWIRED conference is a great place to connect with other freelancers and get new perspectives. There's something for everyone!
Mark your calendars on November 12th, and don't miss out on this opportunity!
Register here: https://forms.gle/4WTXFBDZtwzj8mYv8
UNWIRED konferencija by The Works
Prilika za učenje o remote/freelance poslovanju. Zajednica freelancera je značajno porasla posljednjih godina, što nas je inspiriralo da organiziramo ovu konferenciju.
Pridruživanje remote zajednici ponekad može biti težak prijelaz, ali ne mora biti. Proći ćemo kroz razne teme koje pokrivaju mnoge aspekte poslovanja, počevši od najosnovnijih pitanja i nedoumica.
UNWIRED konferencija izvrsno je mjesto za povezivanje s drugim freelancerima i dobivanje noe perspektive. Za svakoga ima ponešto!
Obilježite svoje kalendare 12. studenog i ne propustite ovu priliku!
Registrirajte se ovdje: https://forms.gle/4WTXFBDZtwzj8mYv8
#theworks #theworkssplit #theworksrocks #unwired #UNWIREDbyTheWorks #freelanceconference #freelancers #freelancecommunity #UNWIREDconference #theworkscoworking
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Works Split, Spinčićeva 2b, 21000 Split, Croatia, Split