Nyob zoo,Thov caw koj thiab koj tsev neeg tuaj koom peb tsev neeg Saturday, 02/01/2025.
Peb npaj ua ib thaj neeb fab laj ntxiv ntaub ntxiv ntawv thiab hu plig nrog ib tug nyuj txhawb peb txiv thiab naim, Ntsuab Rwg Xyooj. Vam thiab cia siab tias koj tsev neeg tuaj koom thiab khi ib txoj hlua txhawb nkawv.
Muaj lus nug hu rau:
Tswv Feej Xyooj: 612-388-1613
Txawj Thaiv Xyooj: 651-336-6374
Ua tsaug nawb!
Thov qhia rau cov tsis tau paub, peb txiv tau txais tus mob cancer siab (liver cancer). Nws twb pib kho (radiation) lawm tiam sim tseem tshuav kev kho tauj pem ntej.
You and your family are invited to join us on Saturday, 02/01/2025.
We are honoring our parents Joua True Xiong and Mai Pha with an ua neeb and hu plig (spirit calling) baci hand tying. We hope you will join us in supporting our parents.
Chue Feng Xiong: 612-388-1613
Tai Xiong: 651-336-6374
Thank you very much!
In case you have not heard yet, our dad was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. He has begun radiation and has more treatment ahead.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
1557 131st Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55449-4123, United States, 1557 131st Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55449-4123, United States,Blaine, Minnesota