Step into the world of the supernatural with "Two Psychics and a Medium,"an extraordinary live show featuring the incredible talents of Julia Cartagena, Annette Boyle, and Anthony Grzelka, known as Australia's Ghost Whisperer. This captivating event offers a unique opportunity to explore the realms of mysticism and spirit communication. Julia and Annette, gifted psychic mediums, along with Anthony, will connect with the other side, delivering heartfelt messages from loved ones who have passed and beyond. Witness a blend of clairvoyance, divination, card readings and channelled messages, as they provide comfort, validation, and profound insights into the afterlife.Running Time*:
Doors - 6:40pm
Start - 7:00pm
Finish - 10:30pm
*please note all times are approximate and subject to change
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Wrest Point Hobart, The Point Revolving Restaurant, 410 Sandy Bay Rd, Sandy Bay TAS 7005, Australia,Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia