About this event
The Twin Hearts Meditation was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui to help flush out negative thoughts and emotions that congest our minds and body every day. It is practised in over 126 countries around the world and the testimonials of personal healing and positive life transformation have been incredible.
Meditating on the Twin Hearts enables the body to absorb a tremendous amount of energy which many refer to as Prana Chi or life’s energy.
This has a flushing and cleansing effect and then a stimulating and energizing effect through the practitioners’ system resulting in better physical emotional and mental health.
Improved Health -
Once the divine energy flows through you it naturally flushes the used-up and unwanted energies within your system; so after the meditation, you become a fresher ‘You’.
Reduced stress anxiety and depression -
Twin Heart disintegrates the unwanted emotions and thought forms within your chakras and aura. It makes positivity and happiness come naturally to you.
Sharper mind and greater happiness -
Once the unwanted thought forms and emotions are out of your system your mind becomes clear and your emotions more refined.
Increase your self-esteem -
When you become more powerful you can do much more; so it helps you build a good image of yourself.
Improve your relationships -
As you bless the entire earth with loving-kindness you will be filled with love energy. This love brings harmony to your relationships.
Become a divine channel -
The meditation creates an opportunity for you to become a channel to bless everyone on earth with a better life.
Increase good luck -
Once you make yourself available to serve you create lots of good karma that shows itself in life as good luck.
Contact Martin 0851377654 or
Event Venue
South East, Pranic Healing Centre,, , Ballyellis, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland
EUR 0.00