Laikmetīgās dejas, mūzikas un gaismas performance TORNADO atgriežas SAULGRIEŽOS - 2024.gada 19.decembrī no plkst. 18.00 līdz 22.00!!!
Radošā komanda - horeogrāfija: Olga Žitluhina un Valērijs Oļehno; mūzika: Juris Kaukulis un Liene Dobičina; gaismu mākslinieks: Oskars Pauliņš; tērpi: Šeila; dejo visu paaudžu Latvijas laikmetīgās dejas horeogrāfi un dejotāji. Producē: Baiba Ozoliņa.
TORNADO, kā dabas fenomens, ir metafora postošai, neizbēgamai kustībai. Tornado apbur ar savu jaudu, spēku un visvarenību, aizrauj, hipnotizē, dominē un absorbē. Viss tiek pakļauts vienojošai kustībai.
Performances “Tornado” iecere ir iniciēt māksliniecisku sinerģiju, vienā procesā ap laikmetīgo deju apvienojot dažādas mākslinieciskās prakses. Veidotāji atklāj: „Rekonstruējot tornado kā māksliniecisku procesu, mēs ceram dejā piedzīvot kinestētiskas nobīdes, maņu transformācijas, uztveres pārveidošanos. Šī procesa epicentrā mēs sagaidām saskarties ar veseluma veidošanu no fragmentiem un elementiem, fokusējot mūsu uzmanību uz holistisku skatījumu uz mākslu.”
Performance ilgst 4h no vietas.
Skatītāji ir aicināti izvēlēties vienu konkrētu apmeklēšanas laiku: plkst. 18.00, 19.00, 20.00 vai 21.00.
Pasākumu organizē: biedrība PARTY
Atbalsta: VKKF, Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, LR6, LU Radio NABA.
Biļešu cena 15 EUR, pasākumā dienā – 18 EUR.
Contemporary dance, music and light performance TORNADO returns during the winter solstice.
The contemporary dance, music and light performance "Tornado" by choreographers Olga Zitluhina and Valery Olehno will take place on December 19, 2024 in the theatre house “Zirgu Pasts” in anticipation of the winter solstice. The performance will bring together a large number of performers who will turn the tornado into an unprecedented power.
Creative team: choreography: Olga Zitluhina un Valery Olehno; music: Juris Kaukulis, Liene Dobicina; light design: Oskars Paulins; costumes: Sheila; dancers from all generations of Latvian contemporary dancers and choreographer. Production: Baiba Ozoliņa.
The TORNADO, as a natural phenomenon, is a metaphor for a devastating, inevitable movement. Tornado enchants with its power, strength and omnipotence, fascinates, hypnotizes, dominates and absorbs. Tornado subjects everything to a unifying movement.
The idea of the performance "Tornado" is to initiate artistic synergy by combining different artistic practices in one process around contemporary dance. The creators reveal “By reconstructing the tornado as an artistic process, we hope to experience kinaesthetic shifts, sensory transformations, and perceptual transformations in dance. At the epicentre of this process we expect to see the formation of a whole from fragments and elements, focusing our attention on a holistic vision of art.”
The artistic team offers visitors the choice to watch the performance as a spectator or engage in a unifying movement. The performance will take place continuously for 4 hours, but the visitor is given the opportunity to choose which part of the performance to watch.
Tickets are available at the box office “Bilešu paradīze”. Viewers are asked to choose one specific time to visit: at 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 or 21:00 this durational performance.
Prices - 15 EUR,
18 EUR on the day of the event.
The event is organized by Association PARTY, supported by Latvian Culture Capital Foundation, Latvian Academy of Culture, LR6, LU Radio NABA.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
LKA teātra māja "Zirgu pasts", Dzirnavu iela 46, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvija,Riga, Latvia