Lake Plains Players present "To Live or Diet" by Gary Simboli."To Live or Diet" is a musical revue written and directed by Gary Simboli. "To Live or Diet" follows two sessions of a fitness class as you get to know (and see yourself in) each of the members and the instructor. This charming, funny, and heartfelt show is for anyone who has ever struggled with accepting themselves. It's about learning how to love yourself and each other.
Tickets are available now at or at the door. Seating for this production is limited, so we recommend purchasing tickets ahead of time. Tickets are $12 general admission or $10 for students/seniors.
Fitness Instructor- Mollie Radzinski
Mr. Binge- Michael Flanagan
Sarah Jones Geer
Sarah Elizabeth Hill
Morgan Mill
Erin Moody
Matthew Pettit
Evan Steier
Susan Thaine
Kailey Winans
Written & Directed by Gary Simboli
Choreographed by Randi Sykes
Additional lyrics by Laura Simboli, Shirley Goodman, Stephanie Stern Protz, and Hannah Dean
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Albion First Presbyterian Church, 29 E State St, Albion, NY 14411-1451, United States,Albion, New York