⭐️ TINA! THE TINA TURNER MUSICAL - TUESDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER ⭐️Set to the pulse-pounding soundtrack of her iconic hits, including The Best, What’s Love Got To Do With It?, Private Dancer and River Deep, Mountain High, discover the heart and soul behind the Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Experience her inspiring story live on stage as this exhilarating celebration reveals the untold story of a woman who dared to dream fiercely, shatter barriers and defy the bounds of age, gender and race to conquer the world against all odds.
🎭 £95pp - Stalls Seating
📍 Sheffield Lyceum Theatre
🎟 7:30pm Performance
🕰️ 2 hours 45 minutes (interval included)
£70pp Deposit
Day trip from Grimsby & Surrounding areas
Admission Included | Grimsby: 01472 353544
PLEASE NOTE: Day Excursions are non refundable. Children under 5 are not allowed to travel on the front row seats.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
24A South St Mary's Gate, DN31 1LQ Grimsby, United Kingdom, Coopers Tours, 24A South St Mary's Gate, Grimsby, DN31 1LQ, United Kingdom,Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, United Kingdom