Theses on Feuerbach study group 4

Thu May 02 2024 at 08:00 pm to 09:00 pm

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Workers' Liberty
Publisher/HostWorkers' Liberty
Theses on Feuerbach study group 4
Part 4 of 6-part discussion series on Marx's Theses on Feuerbach
About this Event

Zoomlink Thursdays 8pm


Meeting ID: 816 7939 9952 - Passcode: 695850

Marx's 'theses' on Feuerbach comprise between two and three pages of notes to himself that he wrote in Brussels in April 1845, just before his 27th birthday and just after he was expelled from France.

In these notes Marx criticises writings by the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach, thereby taking a less favourable line towards Feuerbach than he had hitherto. More importantly, however, he moves from these criticisms to setting out ideas that would structure his writings and activities for the rest of his life.

To understand these notes is therefore to gain a sharp insight into Marx's whole way of thinking.

The emphasis throughout the study sessions will be on open, participatory discussion of the ideas Marx put forward. To support this process, short explanations will be given where necessary about the historical background and to clarify philosophical terms and concepts that Marx uses.

The first session will start with an open discussion about the last and most widely quoted of the 'theses', usually translated as 'The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point is to change it.' This will be followed by an introductory talk about the document as a whole, and guidance enabling people to check out the notes to be considered in the next session.

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