"The Teacher Who Promised the Sea" is a powerful historical drama directed by Patricia Font. Set in 1935, it follows Antoni Benaiges, a visionary teacher in a remote Spanish village, who inspires his students with progressive teaching methods and the promise of a trip to see the ocean—something unimaginable for the children of Burgos. However, as the Spanish Civil War looms, Antoni's idealism puts him at odds with the oppressive local authorities.Decades later, a granddaughter of one of his students embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the unfulfilled promise and her family's connection to the tragic events of the past. This film, praised for its emotional depth and historical significance, highlights the enduring power of education and the importance of remembering those who dared to dream for a better future.
Don't miss its only screening in Mildura, where you'll experience a moving blend of history, hope, and resilience.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
93 Deakin Ave, Mildura, VIC, Australia, Victoria 3500